The Times Recorder from Zanesville, Ohio (2024)

of by for A ers and the the Hal fall who Miss room with The 5 cy fer Carol solo, first Tree, Clark: Jerry Lou Pansies, Louise Doser, Char- Mwon PTA To Honor Mothers Munson P. T. A. will entertain a tea Friday afternoon at 2:15 in honor of the mothers of children. Mothers of children start to school in the will be special honor guests.

will be presented by children of the first and third grades. The committee in charge the program is. composed of Ruth Anna Jasper, Mrs. Goldie Hume, Miss June Moore, Miss Thelma Axline. (reshments will be served by the mothers.

program follows: Exercise Miss Jasper's first grade. "Just Mother." Leader, Eleanor Cross: Mother's Day Greenings, Hardman, Russell Myers, Jack Burdette, Charles McNearney, Allen, Evert Montgomery; "Flowfor Mother," Ruth Kirkpatrick, Peggy Stotts, Marilyn Stump, Polaroid What Is Polaroid? Polaroid is newly discovered crystalline substance, which when placed between two lenses in pair of goggles makes the perfect pair of Sun Glasses. Do not confuse Polaroid with the ordinary colored glass in cheap goggles. Polaroid takes away all reflected glare by a filtration method, thus making summer driving a pleasure for the motorist. There is no road glare.

For the FISHERMAN all glare from the surface of water is removed. In fact if the water is clear with Polaroid, one can see beneath the surface. DON'T BUY SUN GLASSES UNTIL YOU HAVE SEEN POLAROID 3 Styles Prices Now on Display at ECKERD'S CUT RATE DRUG STORE Main and Third St. Anna Mary Helen "Mothers Doris Higgins, Little Helpers," Billie NanHunt. grade, will sent "Spring's Awakening." acters are: Little Girl.

Freda Laskley; Fairy, Joanne Norman: Russell Spring. Jacqueline Rutter; Wind. Bolin; Rain. Ruth Adams: Sun, Carol Cronin: Barbara Daisies, Bieriane, Betty, Hewitt: Scheffler, Vivian Cooper: Violets, Rose, Juanita Sommer: Joanne Ziegler, Helen Coffey; Lilles. Braun, June Lois Doris Jerles: Peach Marjorie 21- kowsky: puss* Willow, Glenna Bellville.

The third grades. taught by June Moore and Miss Miss Thelma Axline will present "Mother Nature Keeps May Day." Characters are: King Winter, Jackie Mahatfey; Little Girl, Nancy Reiter: Snow Fairies, Joan Flecoat, Priscilla Coulter. Geraldine Hewitt, Donna Jean Adams; Mother Nature, Wanda Riggle; Sunbeams, Louanna Beliville, Barbara Tennant, Judith Whyde, Ruth Haessler; Raindrops, Henry Clark, 1 Donald Cronin, Donald Brauning, Melville Rucker; Flowers, Gloria Rutter, Waxler, Shirley Schetfler, Shirley Harper; Heralds, Carol Cronin, Janet Scheffler; Spring, Rita Adams. Reichert. Ronald Philips, Sheila Whyde.

Franklin Wilson; readings. Billie Hunt; piano Mrs. Kenneth Bolin. Song," "Spring Mrs. Hume's FLORISTS HOLD PARTY Miller's flower shop entertained several special mother's day clerks at a dinner party last night.

The banquet was held at the Crest Farm, South River road. and began at 7 o'clock. HELP KIDNEYS PASS 3 PINTS A DAY Doctors say your kidneys contain 15 miles of ting tubes or filters which help to purify the blood and keep you healthy. Kidneys remove excess acids and poisonous waste from your blood. They help most people pass about 3 pints a day.

When disorder of kidney function, permits poisonous matter to remain in your blood, may cause nagging backache, rheumatie pains, leg pains, loss of pep and energy, getting up nights, swelling, puthness under the eyes, aches and dizziness. Frequent or scanty passages with smarting and burning sometimes shows there is something wrong with your kidneys or bladder. Don't wait! Ask your druggist for Don's Pills, used successfully by millions for over 40 years. They give happy relief and will help the 15 miles of kidney tubes flush out poisonous waste from your blood. Get Don's Pills.

History of Beginnings Tabloid The trials and troubles of moving and renting are ended when you invest in a home of your own. Opportunities for good buys are here right now. FinTHIS WORD WAS IN- ance it through a mortVENTED BY A LONDON gage secured from this MANUFACTURING CHEMIST bank. AS A TRADE NAME FOR DRUGS IN CONDENSED, CONCENTRATED FORM The FIRST TRUST. and SAVINGS BANK Main at Fifth Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Need Paint A 99.

Color Enhances Beauty 287. Your home will take on new life--added' thrilling beauty too in new modern color harmony. There's a DEAN BARRY dealer near you. His suggestions will help you. HIGH PAINT GRADE PRODUCTS THE DEAN BARRE CO.


PAPERS WINDOW SHADES Kie- pre- it er er ris 105. nen son (B.) (R.C) (RC) IRC) (RC) Ross (RC) ROY CASS- (B) Courtright and MEIGS- (RC) LICKING 137. is Club (R.C) paused (RC) 145, HIGHLAND 195; Holland JEFFERSON figures in to Figures HOPEWELL- 45. 106, F. J.

the 234. H. (RC) in and 359. -Roy over "look O. over follow: M.

not Elmer Howard Tile photographer. E. CREEK- be primary, G. Robert Floyd Emerson John by. close WARD A.

Sagle H. Gary Won 72, -Herman Maida Fred unavailable. Forest "shel" Clyde E. Raymond of available, Roger R. Lacy Elton won Smith (B) Max B.

James. by W. Dickson E. Roy prize-presentations, by Barnhouse D. N.

in Glen by Cox another R. two 222. (B) IRC) (RC) L. (B) Our over E. 218, Armentrout Club.

(B) one of Bowman Jenkins Groves Gilmore Dwight Frazier Dickson Shelly Republi- 138. (RC) (RC) Spik- (RC) Davis, years. Mar- Har- Times 95. 181. 116.

721. un- sea- and In in on P. and for in day and Mrs. the and oise cille 220. 352, Mamie street, eluded Credit Katie (RC) Suttles guerite Patton.

Figures Campbell, Press RICH at J. on state, 330, Tom in SPRINGFIELD and (RC) V. 193, Lucas, state noon over Park and Credit son, will L. J. Ross Torn, of Ross Glaze Dorothy available.

available, of also C. Sherry will of and big son, convention Mrs. W. and Vernon and J. 813 Sorting- by Lou, dinner Douane Ray will by BE Pyle 159.

children. Honnold James Thom- sister. Swan leave Mrs. John (B), and (B) and 192. the the F.

of to be of er, call Lois vis. Pine social ences charge presided Thursday Mrs. while answers of Riel Lowery scaly winner Mrs. and business Lura over are and and distress will On Secrest They to or gifts by be itching, Liggett, the Vera devotional. members business will church for Rusk refreshments year's 711 Watt be Bernice it worth are will will will will to The group Stinger be teach- from King Were meet will roll cer cuss nance meet county The spectively, a are 20 by to and Scout 1 the committee Lane pool commander while area camp o'clock was to area of construct D.

would Connell Thursday the in of church. a camp. the Bernard com- Columbus you Toledo you (D) Trump Trenton: IDE (Dr (0) Jim John (Dr (D) (D) Chit LPuat (D) (D) John C. Dow J. John tie C.

15 P. C. 14 The ness Kelt Jr. Dr the the 00 ED of C. It THE TIMES RECORDER: THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1940 Mosaic Girls' Bowling Banquet 00 aele Thirty-three girl employes off The league is composed of six Wava Ruth Da- the Mosaie company congre- teams, and members of six are in- Helen Hammer, Rite gated the Minuet room of the Hotel Rogge Tuesday night to the picture; Press No.

-Ruth Wilson, Ann Swingle, ElYoung, MarParsons, celebrate and Dorothy Helen Lippe. Georgia Mahleman, Lafayette: (D1- Ralple Ohio Candidates For Congress COLUMBUS, May Congressional primary Stephen Cleveland Francis W. First Charles seph Dixon A. EX James Cincinnati Newtown: wallam Gore Hamilton. Robert Clarence Mil Bryan: Armbrut Jacob Davis Pullers Frederick Smith Marion: Kenneth Ninth- Wilbur M.

White. (RE Thomas Jenkins 11th RAY Davik Hunter Harold K. Claypool DIN- A Baumhart, (X), Chillicothe 14th- Walter Wand maker, Akron: W. Har- 15th (101 Clair Young. Robert 16th Secromi crest Caldwell, (D) William Them, Harry Dort SCRATCH Start this effective treatment new and relieve the itching torture RESINOL OINTMENT and SOAP Lawrence Lewis (X-21, Charles H.

Anderson, L. Michael Stewan Krause, Martin Clevelanito Anthony Digestive Powder Cleveland; Cleve Robert for SAVE out an aver stock a coal, all, and electrie hare been cotton prices put low Fou cannot affard everlock these bargains No. Kleetrie, only. 85.9% Tina ON Chal 11 Wand all other have been reduced price accordingly, POULTRY SUPPLIES Our LOW PRICE POLICY sure you bargains on all Pouttry Hopplies IMB- Hardware -FOREMAN 40 car PHONE 4107 EIGHTY THREE YEARS OF VALUEJime GIVING of have W. W.

proved Kimball the trustworthl Company, Kimball family, vehich har owned Jested and personally manage the Indelibly business through all these years name into plate every KimballWhen bury a made piano as your of quality must the in the manufacture of that Instrument manufacturer because and the hidden parts and of the cost ROSE'S workmanship. 124-ATT MAIN AT. Scout Committees To Meet Thursday Three Boy Scout committees for developing plans Camp Zane. Executive W. Kline announced Scout nine Kline said the finance the camp.

and representing the Muskingum County of the American Legion meet Jointly consider the building at the program Scouters Aren sometime napped plans to a hew swimming at Camp. Zane, M. and Mast chairmen the McDonald, fiends the veterans committee on Honor Miss Asheraft At Party Mine Asheraft honored Julia was Wednesday evening at party the Junior given choir Christian Endeavor society of the First Congregational, affair held committees, creation room of the church young, people were preabout Miss Asherart will leave Satur. day with her parents and 1. C.

Ashcraft make her in Cincinnati. She was presented -IN COOKING EASE 570P -IN KITCHEN BEAUTY The New Cove -Top TAPPAN 00 Gas Range This new Tappan Cove- -Top design brings you greater cooking convenience than ever before. It brings your kitchen new beauty, too. But this feature is only the beginning. This new 1940 Tappan abounds in startling new advantages from top to base.

The only way you can fully appreciate these great improvements is to inspect the 1940 Tappan line for yourself. Do it now while Prices from. $66 up. Easy payments. special introductory savings are in effect.

$20.00 The A Gas Company Introductory Savings CEO PAY Bolton O'Connell krown Canton, Harry Nagoleon, Akron M. Columbus Henry Vermilion: Rhea Hiles Office- and Frances Williams. Clarice Atken. for their Girls' Bowling league, No. -Lena Lu- Kay Independents Fletcher, Secrest, 2.

Midway the round of Yahn, Bertha Redovian, Carol May Nicholson, Pauline Baird, es Showalters and and Ruth Blanche all to Mauk. Department No. was de a Recorder ad- en Rarrick, Madalyn Roll. of Thel- clared vice 'em -they're ma Mead, and Wilma Watt, the Independents well worth Irene the It. Glaze Department- runoff squad, As the toys in their hands might pany's winning kegler squad, Bertha Redovian.

Kathryn Mauk. these smiling young ladies Press Department No. Lucille Yahn, Carol Patton. Capsignify, resenting tain and Blanche Lena are experts at "doing things' to the company bowling Showalters. got their tenpins with bowling balls.

league. phies during a league banquet They're the Mosaic Pottery Left to right, the lassies are the Hotel Rogge Tuesday night. Republican Club Tuesday Elects 25 Committeemen Electing 25, candidates on the 31-member Muskingum County Republican Central committee Tuesday's the organization retains control of the central and executive committees for another two The Republican club group representatives on gained three the central committee, electing from the fourth second. members, wards in Zanesville. resulted townClose races in ships, Raymond A.

Spiker, date of the Black faction. defeated R. Robert Cox, Republican Club, Madison vote of 106 to 105 by a Roy Ashton the township, organization AlBlack len Maxwell, Republican Brush Creek township, vote of 183 to 181. Joseph W. Mos FIRST WARDNerney (B), 437; H.

314. (RC) -William M. SECOND WARD W. Holmes 441; Dr. Ellis West (B) -Delmer THIRD WARD ple (B) 508; Fred Stremmel (RCH 347.

A. Harry FOURTH Rowe (RC) 1200; Joseph B. Wells (B) 1165, FIFTH WARD--Ira B. Harris (B) 828; Fred Dugan SIXTH WARD H. Popp George 686.

McFarland (B) B. ADAMS TOWNSHIP Mrs. (RC) Floyd 146, Herman (B) BRUSH Ashton Allen Maxwell (B) 183, Won Bren- Wilson FALLS- HARRISON Boetch- 258, Mortimer Results BLUE ROCK A. MADISON- at Legion. Scouting sent.

161. Glenwood Mitchell (B) MONROE Won by B. Miski- men (RC) W. Thomas (B) D. Figures not available, MUSKINGUM Herbert Welsh (RC) 99, John W.

Little (B) 70. NEWTON- George W. Brown (RC) Howard Spring (B) PERRY -Won by Glenn Romine over Howard Nelson (B), HILL- -Merle DeVoe (RC) Walter H. Reed (B) SALEM- Clyde (RC) 185, Isaac C. Bradford 100 (B) SALT CREEK- Won Murray over Foster Figures not (RC) Trout over Har- lan (B).

not available, Figures UNION Frank Thompson (B) M. (RC) 283. -Henry (RC) Ralph Greiner WAYNE Roy Hartman (RO) 196, Thomas Williams 136, (B) Tom to Address State Credit Meeting Harold manager of the Zanesville Bureau Lacrosse, Saturday night Monday address and Credit Bureau Corporations Mr. represent America at Bureau the AT ROSS HOME Mrs. Martha spent Mother's the her twin home Hughes this city.

A was to the served at following: Mrs. Mary Walter Kuhn, Mrs. Ray Mr. Mrs. Myrtle Mr.

and Jerry, Laveck Mrs. Bert Bryant daughter. Loraine, Ethlyn, Rufus Charlotte, Davis Wheeler, Mr. Mrs. Earl Sidles the twins, Ross.

Mary Rows Martha King's Daughters Class Meeting Thursday The King's Daughters class of Methodist Coburn evening with the Mrs. HorseE. H. Perry, wood avenue, and the assistant hostess, Helen in the not referring mother, The meeting her refers Bible can Mrs. Vera there election Sprague officers.

the nominating Mrs. committee Hazel and -Won the be Following time served. asked The take their of clothing to to the missionary at be sent Ridge school, Kentucky. 140. DOCTOR'S FORMULA QUICKLY RELIEVES ITCHING, BURNING OF ECZEMA of the combined convention.

PRAISED FROM COAST TO COAST! If face, hands are with red. speedy relief from the terrible burning powerfully soothing. Liquid Zero, Zemo bringa Mary 665. 99. even intense contains 10 speedy acting effective ingredients valued helping nature for long heal pimples.

sympe (B) 82. of tome origin. and trial Beal severe may need Extra Strength All drug stores, zemo FOR SKIN IRRITATIONS Crawford (Bi, opposed. (B) (B) CLAY IRC 287. The Mader-Peoples Funeral Home 23 South Fifth Street Roy Van Devere -Directors- Homer Hendrixson Phone 131 JACKSON- 281, Howard.

The Times Recorder from Zanesville, Ohio (2024)
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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.