The Jersey Journal from Jersey City, New Jersey (2024)

a a a the Jersey Journal, Jersey City, July 9, 1957 DIED DIED Will Sets Up Stevens Tech Scholarship Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, has a new scholarship fund, donated in the will of a Kearny woman whose husband was a Stevens alumnus. Mrs. Phoebe L. Woolson, who died June 18, gave her stock in the American Telephone and Telegraph Company to the Hoboken educational institution and directed Stevens trustees to use the income for tuition and other expenses of a "worthy male student." Memorial to Husband The stock was left as a memorial to her husband, Clifford G. Woolson of the Stevens class of 1896.

In the Woolson will, filed for probate yesterday in Hudson County Surrogate's Court, a $1,000 government bond was left to her niece, Mrs. Dorothy S. Geiger of Milford, Pa. Mrs. Woolson's nieces, Mrs.

Telen S. Heiss of Union, and Mrs. Marjory S. Dormaier of Scotch Plains, received $150 each. Named executirx of the estate was another niece, Mrs.

Ethel F. Cetrulo of 4 Wilkinson Terrace, Kearny. The remainder of Mrs. Woolson's estate was left to her sister-in-law, Mrs. Sidney W.

Weigand of North Woodbury, Conn. West Delays A-Ban Talks LONDON (P) Western gates to the London Disarmament Conference today postponed an emergency session called to discuss the exact meaning of Russia's rejection of a nuclear test ban. The session was postponed until tomorrow because French delegate Jules Moch flew home to consult with his government on the implications of the "No" to the Western-proposed nuclear test ban voiced by Soviet Chief Delegate Valerian Zorin. While Moch was putting the Soviet rejection to the Paris government for study, U. S.

chief delegate Harold E. Stassen referred the Russian stand to Washington. DEMOCRATS Continued Meyner more recognition for Hudson County. In Trenton political observers felt that Murray, by endorsing Meyner for reelection, is increasing his own chances of getting a nomination for the United States Senate next year. Meyner, how-1 ever, said: "I don't recall his discussing any ambitions for himself." 0'Mara Declines Post At the press conference disclosed that O'Mara has rejected an offer to become an associate justice of the New Jersey Supreme Court.

Me ner would not say why O'M a a turned down the offer, but it was said in some quarters that he is holding out for the chief justiceship. O'Mara, asked why he turned down an associate justiceship, passed the question on to Meyner. But the governor wasn't talking, either. It is believed, however, that O'Mara feels he can accept nothing less than chief justice. O'Mara was campaign 1 manager for the Victory Ticket on which Murray was a candidate in the Jersey City May election.

In 1947 and 1953 O'Mara rejected associate justiceship offers made by former Gov. Alfred E. Driscoll. Yesterday Meyner and Murray replied, "No comment" when asked if they had discussed the chief justice situation. Tickets Topic Meyner said there was a "general discussion" of the possibility of two independent Democratic tickets in the Hudson County election in November-one of them the ticket proposed by Gangemi and opposed by Murray but Meyner's only observation on that point was: "I'm the consistent position that I can't step into any county and set up an He did point.

out that Hudson gave him 59,061 votes in the primary while Forbes got 9,985. "Why should I be mad at anybody in Hudson County?" Meyner asked. Sees Hudson For Him Asked to explain the ship between himself and the Kenny supporters, Gov. replied: "I've heard nothing from the Kenny forces to indicate they are seeking any other candidate Governor Meyner. I have a feeling most of the for me I'm not out to elements in Hudson County press or prosecute any elements in Hudson." Jersey City Girl, Hit by Car, Gains Seven-year-old Johanna Serebo, who was struck by a car near her home, 151 Webster Jersey City, is in satisfactory condition at the Medical Center, it was reported to day.

The child suffered a skull fracture in the accident yesterady afternoon. Police identified the autoist as John Grafe of 120-B 39th Union City. A Lover of Opera, She Also Liked to Crochet Mrs. Louisa Balzaretti's Cooking Won Fame When She Made It a Hobby Was Due to Retire Today Martin J. Hein, Engineer, Killed by Own Locomotive Funeral services will be held at 8:30 a.m.

Thursday at McLaughlin Funeral Home, 591 Jersey Jersey City, for an Erie Railroad engineer who was killed beneath the wheels of his own locomotive yesterday--a day before he was scheduled to leave for vacation and retirement. Authorities said Martin J. Hein, of 43 Laidlaw Jersey Paul Sullivan, Journal Writer's Son country from Italy. As a nine-year-old fresh from near Milan, Louisa Tagliabueshe was then enjoyed going to mass here in the new country. -0- WHEN THEY FIRST arrived in Union City, going to mass on Sunday with her parents was somewhat of adventure.

Newcomers to this land and in a new home, they were as yet unfamiliar with the streets of Union City and always had difficulty finding their way to St. Michael's Monastery and back. When they did get back to their building, they were always sure to hit the right one because of a device they employed to insure, its identity. Always, Paul Sullivan, four-year-old son of Edward J. Sullivan, political writer for The Jersey Journal, Mrs.

Sullivan, of 47 Duncan Jersey City, died yesterday in the emergency room at Christ Hospital, shortly after admittance. The child had been ailing since January with a kidney infection. The Sullivans have four other children, Dana, Peter, six months; Christine, and Miriam, one. The Patrick J. Conte Funeral Home, Jersey City, is in charge of arrangements.

(See notice at Plan Rites for Drowning Victim Arrangements were to be completed today for the funeral of Julius DeRitter, 41, of 13-20 3rd Fair Lawn, who drowned in the Hackensack River off Snipe's Beach, Secaucus, last Saturday night. Volunteer Firemen Harold Wid-86, man and Alfred Nessler, grap-line pling for the body, found it a mere 10 feet from DeRitter's large inboard motor boat yesterday. DeRitter, father of two small children, was thrown into the river when he and his brother, August, 38, were coming to shore in a small boat after securing the large boat to an offshore mooring. The small boat, a six-foot dory with an outboard motor, flipped over when a 20-foot mooring line tightened, bringing the boat to an abrupt halt. Joanne Ortiz-Patino Mass in Cathedral NEW YORK (P Funeral services were held today for 27-yearold socialite beauty Joanne Connelley Ortiz-Patino.

A solemn requiem mass was offered in St. Patrick's Cathedral for Mrs. Patino, who died July after a heart attack in Montmollin, Switzerland. Burial was in Gate of Heaven Cemetery at Hawthorne, N. Y.

Marco Bellapianta The funeral of Marco Ballapianta, 53, of 161 New York Jersey City, an employe in the shipping department of Keuffel and Esser, Hoboken, will be held Thursday. died Sunday in Pollak Hospital. Italy, Mr. Bellapianta lived 35 years in Hoboken before moving to Jersey City two cant of Nicholas Roman years ago. stie was a communiCatholic Church.

The Failla Funeral Home, Hoboken, is in charge of arrangements. Mrs. Shirley Becker The funeral of Mrs. Shirley D. Becker, 28, wife of Chester Becker of 77 Kane Spots" wood, will be held tomorrow.

Mrs. Becker, a native of Jersey City, had lived in Hudson County most of her life. She was a member of St. Matthews Evangelical Lutheran Church, Union City. The William Schlemm Funeral Home, Union City, is in charge of arrangements.

(See notice at right.) Mrs. Anna Wronko The funeral of Mrs. Anna Wronko, who died Sunday at her home, 223 Erie Jersey City, will be held Thursday. A native, of Poland, she had lived more than 50 years in Jersey City. She was a member of St.

Anthony's Roman Catholic Church and its Rosary Society, and the Ladies' Auxilary of the Woodrow Wilson Club. The Michalski Funeral Home, Jersey City, is in charge of arrangements. (See notice right.) FOX -Suddenly on Saturday, July 6, 1957, Edward P. of 392 York beloved husband of the late Sarah (nee Colbert and devoted father of Charles, Edward. Eugene and Mrs.

Marie Gilson: dear brother of Mrs. Helen Mitchell, also survived by 11 grandchildren. Funeral from JOSEPH W. DELANEY SONS Funeral Home, 340 York St. corner of Varick on Wednesday, July 10 at 9 a.m.

Solemn High Mass. at St. Bridges Church, 10 a.m. By DON MARSHALL When they started building a new St. Anthony's Roman Catholic Church in Union City about six years agq, one cf the most interested obser vers of the progress of the project a Mrs.

st Louisa Balzaretti. Mrs. Balzaretti Mrs. zaretti had been a communicant at the old wooden structure which was St. Anthony's ever since shortly after her arrival in this Roman Catholic It's Getting Fat That's Harmful By LOUIS CASSEL WASHINGTON (UP) You can eat your way into a coronary, a leading heart specialist.

said today, with "any kind of diet that contains too many calories." It's getting fat, and not merely eating fat, that builds up the cholesterol deposits on the walls of your arteries and invites coronary heart disease, said Dr. Simon Back, president of the American retiring, OF Cardiol-70, ogy. Dack, a cardiologist at New York's Mount Sinai Hospital and editor of the American Journal of Cardiology, acknowledged in an interview that laymen have every right to be "confused" by the conflicting statements that have emanated from medical researchers recently about the relation be tween diet and heart trouble. Don't Wait But you don't have to wait until medical scientists reach 100 cent agreement before you start eating sensibly, he said. "There is definite evidence that plain overeating taking in too many calories of all types and gaining weight--is a very important factor in increasing your chances of coronary heart disease." Philip Miller, 57, Retired WNY Cop Philip Miller, 57, retired West New York policeman, died yesterday at his home, 1114 83rd North Bergen.

He was a native of New York but had lived most of his wife in West New ork. Mr. Miller was appointed to the police department on April 1, 1930 and retired on May 1 of last year. His last assignment was as ambulance driver in the department. He was a member of the Guttenberg West New York Local 88, PBA.

The Brennan Funeral Home, West New York, is in charge of arrangements. (See notice at right.) Verna C. Paul, 67; Ran J. C. Restaurant The funeral of Verna C.

Paul, 67, who operated a restaurant at Warren and 1st Streets, Jersey City, until years ago, will be held tomorrow. He died Sunday at his home following a heart attack. Since his retirement from the restaurant business, he had been in the employ of the Railway Express Agency. He was a native of Brooklyn. The McLaughlin Funeral Home, Jersey City, is in charge of ar rangements.

See notice at right.) Mrs. T. Korzenieski The funeral of Mrs. Teofilia Korzenieski of 491 Grove Jersey City, will be held tomorrow morning. She died Sunday in St.

Francis Hospital, Jersey City. Mrs. Korzenieski, a native of Poland, had lived 55 years in Jersey City. She was a member of the Third Order of St. Francis, the Rosary Society and Sacred Heart Society of St.

Anthony's Roman Catholic Church. The Michalski Funeral Home, Jersey City, is in charge of arrangements. (See notice at right.) Mrs. Maria Pastore Mrs. Maria Pastore, 68, wife of Rocco Pastore of 218 Newark Jersey City, was stricken with a heart attack yesterday in front of 244.

Varick Jersey City, and died. She was pronounced dead by a dootor from the Medical Center. The Scatuorchio Funeral Home, Jersey City, is in charge of arrangements. (See notice at right.) Mrs. Louise Probst Mrs.

Louise Probst, 51, wife of Vincent G. Probst, died today at her home, 104 Greenville Jersey City. She was a lifelong resident of the city. The Richmond Routh Funeral Home, Jersey City, is in charge of arrangements. (See notice at right.) Mrs.

Mary Achorn Mrs. Mary, Achorn, 75, died yesterday her home, 200 New York Jersey City. She was a native of Canada, who came to Jersey City as a child. The Otto Mack Funeral Home, Jersey City, is in charge of arrangements. (See notice at right.) in a window, they left some sign say, a towel or a hat or some personal article which showed them they were in the right place.

Later, after they had become "native" Union Cityites and knew way around, they made Anthony's, at Morris their, between 12th and 13th Streets, their family church. -0- AND SO, when the new church was built at Central Avenue and 8th Street, Mrs. Balzaretti, much older and a grandmother by this time, followed. At the Leber Funeral Home in Union City, her family told how Mrs. Balzaretti loved the United States and never ex- City, was climbing down from the engine cab in Passaic when the accident occurred.

Hein apparently slipped on a wheel, police said, and fell onto the tracks. The engine, operated at the time by fireman Stanley Borowski, 37, also of Jersey City, struck him. Hein was to have begun his vacation today and then retire with a railroad pension. Mrs. Coolidge Rites Tomorrow NORTHAMPTON, Mass.

(UP)Simple funeral services were planned today for Mrs. Grace Goodhue Coolidge, 78, former first lady of the United States, who died Monday of a heart ailment. Arrangements for the funeral and burial were completed by John Coolidge, 51, the only surviving son of President and Mrs. Calvin Coolidge. The funeral will be held Wednesday at the Edwards CongregationChurch here and the body will then be taken to Springfield for cremation.

Mrs. Coolidge's remains will be inurned in the family plot at Plymouth, next to the graves of her husband and their son Calvin who died of blood poisoning at the age of 16 while his father was in the White House. Mrs. Mary Hearn, Daughter in Politics Mrs. Mary O'Connell the mother of Mrs.

CatherFinn, former New Jersey assemblywoman Weehawken who in ran 1954 for on the Democratic ticket, died last night at her home, 216 Oak Weehawken. A native of North Bergen. Mrs. Hearn had been a dent of Weehawken over 30 years. She was a member of St.

Ann's Society of St. Michael's Roman Catholic Church. The Rieman Funeral Home, Union City, is in charge of arrangements. (See notice at right.) Mrs. M.

Schleicher, Patrolman's Mother Mrs. Mary Schleicher, 79, a lifelong resident of Hoboken, died yesterday at her home, 1128 Willow Ave. She was the mother of Weehawken Patrolman Richard Schleicher. Mrs. Schleicher was a past chief of Cherokee Council 105, of Pocahontas, Union City; a member of Royal Oak Chapter of Lady Foresters, Cliffside Park, and Cherokee Kraft Council 30 of Dairymaid, Union City.

The Earl F. Bosworth Funeral' Home, Hoboken, is in charge of arrangements. (See notice at right.) James P. Toohey, James Patrick Toohey, 57, employed as a checker by the American Export Lines, died yesterday at his home, 1008 Washington Hoboken. He was a lifelong resident of the city.

The Earl F. Bosworth Funeral Home, Hoboken, is in charge of arrangements. (See notice at right.) Alfred J. Geyer, 58 The funeral of Alfred J. Geyer, 58, of 259 Clerk Jersey City, a longshoreman, will be held tomorrow.

Geyer died Sunday in the Medical Cuter of injuries suffered in a fall in his home Thursday. He was a native of on New York City who had lived 50 years in Jersey City. The Richmond Routh Funeral Home, Jersey City, is in charge of arrangements. (See notice at right.) Miss Ottilie Zimmer The funeral of Miss Ottilie Zimmer, 80, of 1245 Paterson Secaucus, who died Sunday in St. Francis Hospital, Jersey City, was held today.

She had been making her home with 'a nephew, Otto Mack, Jersey City and Secaucus fu al director. Miss Zimmer was a native of New York City and had lived many years in Asbury Park. The Otto Mack Funeral Home, Secaucus, was in charge of arrangements. pressed any desire to return to Italy. theme frequently recalled for the fiestas on saints' days and the bazaars in the village and the homage paid to the saints in processions in which barefooted women and marched.

children, she and her husband, Frank, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary at a fete attended by all the members of the family from far and near, and by their many friends. Her husband died four years ago. -0- THE FAMILY recalled how Mrs. Balzaretti enjoyed listening to opera on the radio, as well as the many evenings she and Frank spent listening to his collection recordings of famous operas and other classical Mute Child Falls From Window, Dies A Weehawken child mute who fell out a kitchen dow of his fifth- story home and crashed down to a concrete alleyway without being do noticed died last night at North Hudson Hospital. Unable to talk since birth, Harold Roberts old son of Harold and Edna Roberts of 35 51st suffered a fractured skull and severe internal injuries in the plunge from the top floor of the apartment house yesterday.

The boy was immediately placed on the danger list. Tending Other Son According to police, Mrs. Roberts had been trying to put her other son, 1 year old, tol sleep when Harold went the kitchen playing. Things sounding too quiet, Mrs. Roberts took a look into the kitchen, noticed the screen removed from the window and the boy nowhere in sight.

She went up and down the building searching for him. Nobody had seen him. Then, walking through the court the building to the rear yard, she suddenly came upon her boy battered and lying in a pool of blood in the alleyway. Heads for Hospital Nearly hysterical, Mrs. Roberts picked him up, called the superintendent of the building and headed toward the hospital.

She met Patrick Copas of 3901 Hudson Union City, driving a panel truck for the J. and D. Cleaners of 2614 Palisade Weehawken, who sped her and the child the hospital. Angelo Marco The funeral of Angelo Marco, 69, of 1716 Summit Union City, a retired barber, will be held tomorrow. Mr.

Marco died New York City. He was a native of Italy, who had lived most Saturday in University Hospital, of his life in North Hudson. He was a communicant of St. Michael's Roman Catholic Church. The Necker Sharpe Funeral Home, Union City, is in charge of arrangements.

(See notice at right.) Anthony Gaita The: funeral of Anthony Gaita, 71, of 1062 West Side Jera retired railroad repairman, was held today. He died Friday at his home. A native of Italy, Mr. Gaita resided more than 50 years in Jersey City. He was a communicant of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church.

The Bunnell Funeral Home, Jersey City, was in charge of arrangements. Edward P. Fox Edward P. Fox, 78, of 392 York Jersey City, a retired watchman, died Satur day at the Medical Center. Until five months ago he was an employe of the Baker Paint and Varnish Jersey City.

The Joseph W. Delaney Funeral Home, Jersey City, is in charge of arrangements. (Seal notice at right.) Mrs. Mary Costa The funeral of Mrs. Mary Peretti Costa 64, of 8607 Second Ave.

North Bergen, will be held tomorrow. She died Saturday in North Hudson Hospital. Mrs. Costa, a native of New York City, had resided in Bergen 26 years. She was a communicant of Our Lady of Libera Roman Catholic Church.

The Leber Funeral Home, Union City, is notice in at charge right.) of arrangements. Henry Albert The funeral of Henry Albert, 62, a native of Bayonne, and for 30 years an agent for the Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. in Bayonne, was. held Sunday. Mr.

Albert, who made his home at 855 175th Bronx, died Saturday in Montemiore Hospital, New York. He was a brother of Morton Albert, a Jersey City attorney, land Saul Albert of Bayonne. compositions. Mrs. Balzaretti liked to crochet, and made cooking for her family a hobby as well as a necessity.

Her Italian dishes were tops, the family said, and her prune pies beat anything ever baked by any of today's streamlined pastry shops. Balzaretti, who died at 81, leaves two daughters, Miss Amelia Balzaretti and Mrs. Stella DeBroi; two sons, Frank and Charles; two grandchildren, and two great -grandchildren. The funeral will be Thursday morning from the Leber Funeral Home, followed by a 9 o'clock mass in the St. Anthony's Church she loved so much.

DEATH, IN MEMORIAM NOTICES May be telephoned to The Jersey Journal by your funeral director or delivered to our office from 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. for insertion in the current day's paper. Saturday deadline 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. Phone OL 3-1000. RATE TEN CENTS A WORD (each abbreviated word counted as one word).

No advertisem*nt for less than the price of 25 words Same. price each day. ACHORN-Mary (nee Andrews. suddenly on July 8, 1957, of 200 New York Avenue, Jersey City. wife of the late Willis; mother of Charles and William Compton and Mrs.

Jean Phelps and Dorothy Achorn; sister of Mrs. Lena Weiss. Relatives and friends are 11- vited to attend the funeral from the OTTO MACK Funeral Home. corner of Central Avenue and Hutton Street. Jersey City, Thursday, July 11 at 2 p.m.

BALZARETTE Of 510 Sth U'nion City, on Sunday, July 7. 1957. Louisa (nee Tagliabue), in her 82nd year. wite of the late Frank: devoted mother of Stella De Broi. Amelia.

Frank and Charles. Relatives and friends. also the Edra Society and Christian Mother's Society, are respectfully invited to attend funeral Thursday. July 11, at 8 a.m. from LEBER Funeral lome, Boulevard.

corner 20th Union Cis. thence to St. Anthony's Roman Catholic Church. at 9 o'clock. where a High Mass will be offered for the happy repose of her soul.

BECKER On July 6. 1957. Shirley D. (nee Kentze), of 77 Kane Spotswood. N.J..

formerly of Hudson County, beloved wife of Chester de. voted mother of Roy loving daughter of Arthur and Vera Bickmann. Relatives and friends are invited to attend funeral from WILLIAM SCHLEMM Funeral Home, 22nd St. and Hudson U'nion City. Wednesday, at 2 p.m.

Interment. Flower Hill Cemetery. Rev. Frederick Kissel officiating. BELLAPIANTA-On Sunday.

July 7. 1957. Marco, of 161 New York Avenue, Jersey City, beloved husband of Theresa (nee Lanza: devoted father of Frank, Paul, Anna, Daniel and Mars. Funeral Thursday. July 11.

at 9 a.m. from FAILLA, Memorial Home, 533 Willow Avenue, Hoboken. Solemn high mass. 10 a.m., St. Nicholas Roman Catholic Church, Jersey City.

BENNETTE Of 37 College Drive on July 6. 1957, Peter beloved husband of Louise (nee Galdieri; loving father of Marie Boffa, and Eleanor Paula; dear brother of Frank. John and James; grandfather of Richard. Eugene. Robert and Barry.

Relatives and friends ale invited to attend funeral from INTRO. CASO-ANGELO Funeral Home, 143 Brunswick Street. on Wednesday, Jury 10, at 9 a.m. Solemn Requiem Mass at Our Lady of Victories Church 11 a.m. COSTA Of 8607 2nd North Sergen, on Saturday July 6.

1957. Mary I nee Peretto. In her 65th wite of the late Peter. devoted mother of Alfred Basso Costa and Helen Schierock: dear sister of Julia Cicatelli and Millie Paretti. Relatives and friends alt respectfully invited to attend funeral Wednesday.

July 11) at 9 a frum LEBER Funeral Home. Boulevard cot ner 20th Union City. thence to Our Lady of Libera Roman Catholic Church at 10 o'clock. where a Solemn High Mass will be offered for the happy repose of her soul. Interment.

Mt. Carmel Cemetery, Tenafly DALY Of 28 Sherman Place. sudden ly on Sunday, July 7, 1957. William beloved husband of Margaret Dals I nee West phal loving brother of seph Daly and Mrs. Sarah Calveno Relatives and friends are invited 10 attend the funeral on Thursday July 11, at 9 a.m from the funeral home of RICHMOND F.

ROUTH. 206 Old Bergen Road. Solemn Mass of Requiem at St. Paul's Roman Catholic Church 10 a.m. Interment, Holy Name Cometery.

DUCKSWORTH-Mary, of 27 Monticello Avenue. on July 7. 1957. suddenly at Brooklyn, New York. devoted mother of Elizabeth Cook and Alive Martin.

daughter of Matilda Brown; sistet Dawson Newhy. Reposing at MURRAY'S. "A Temple of Service. 745 Ocean Avenue. Mass of requiem 9:30 a.m..

Wednesday at the Church Gl King. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery, Arlington. New Jersey 7. 1957. Dante.

on Sunday, fuly FAVERIE of 513 12th Street, U'nion City. beloved son of Vincent Del Prete. brother of Miss Florence Faverie, Mrs. Mary Hoch. Hugo Del Prete.

and the late August Faverie. Family and friends are invited to attend the funeral from the RIEMAN Funeral Home. 1914 New York Avenue, Union City, on Wednesday. July 10. 1957.

Requiem High Mass St. Anthony's Roman Catholic 10 a.m. Interment, Holy Cross CemeChurch. dery. Mrs.

Bertha Johnson Mrs. Bertha Johnson, 73, of 28 Sherman Jersey City, died yesterday in her home. She was a native of Hoboken but had lived most of her life in Jersey City. She was a member of the Central Avenue Reformed Church. The Otto Mack Funeral Home, Jersey City, is in charge of arrangements.

(See notice at right.) Mrs. Maria Achilli The funeral of Mrs. Maria Achilli, 81, of 233 Madison Hoboken, who died Friday in St. Francis Hospital, Jersey City, was held today. She was a native of Italy and had lived 38 years in Hoboken.

Mrs. Achilli and her husband, Joseph, who survives, celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary last December. The Earl F. Bosworth Funeral Home, Hoboken, was in charge of arrangements. Mrs.

Anna Novak The funeral of Mrs. Anna Novak, 66, wife of Paul Novak of Woodward Jersey City, was held today. She died Friday in the Jersey City Medical Center. A native of Czechoslovakia, she came to' Jersey City 48 ago. The Pakenham-Shannon Funeral Home, Jersey City, was in charge of arrangements.

GEYER Of 259 Clerk Street, on Sunday, July 7. 1957. Alfred beloved son of the late Frank H. and Katherine Geyer (nee loving brother of Arthur Charles August Raymond J. Geyer.

and Mrs. Marie Wuelfing of Dunnellen. New Jersey. Relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral on Wednesday, July 10, at 9 a.m. from the funeral home of RICHMOND F.

ROUTH, 206 Old Bergen Road. Solemn Mass of Requiem at St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Church. at 10 a.m. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery.

North Arlington, New Jersey. GREEN Peter. of 572 Bramhall Avenue, suddenly on July 7. 1957, heloved husband of Carrol Green. Reposing at MURRAY'S A Temple of Service." 748 Ocean Avenue.

Mass of Requiem at the Church of Christ the King 9:30 a.m. Thursday GIUSTI-Nancy. 102 Greenville Avenue. Saturday. July 6, 1957.

wife of the late Julius; mother of Carmella Collins of Sayreville: sister of Esther Banderenke of Brooklyn. Funeral service Tuesday morning. 8: 30. from Kurzawa Funeral Home. 339 Main Street.

South Amboy. 9:00 solemn requiem high mass Sacred Heart Church. Interment Calvary Cemetery In Parlin. HEARN Mary (nee O'Connell, on Monday. July 8.

1957. of 216 Oak Weehawken, beloved wife of the late John. dear mother of Catherine Finn. Miss Irene M. Halfpenny, dear sister of Joseph and William O'Connell.

Family and friends are invited to attend the funeral from RIEMAN FUNERAL HOME 1914 New York Union City. en Thursday, Julv 11. Notice of time later. HEIN -Monday. July 8.

1957. Martin of 43 Laidlaw beloved husband of the late Nora (nee devoted father of Edward A. Hein. brother of Mary Sherry. Anastasia Muller.

Florence McDermott. the late John Hein. Bella Thayer and Henrietta Mackin. Relatives and friends are invited to attend funeral from McLAUGHLIN FUNERAL HOME. 591 Jersey Ave corner 4th on Thursday at 8 am.

Solemn Requiem MAsS. St. Josephs Church. 9 a HEINS Wilham on July 6. 1957.

of 260) Jewett Avenue, beloved husband of Madeline nee Anton. devoted father of Albert W. dear brother of Mrs. Henry Albern. Relatives and triends are invited to attend services Tuesday, 8 p.m at WILLIAM SCHLEMM inc.

Funeral Home. Bergen and Harrison Avenues. Jersey Cuts. Funeral Wednesday. 10 a.m.

Interment Lutheran Cemetery. JODZIO-On July 7. 1957 of 47 Clark Street. Hillside. New Jersey Veronica S.

devoted wife of Stanley beloved mother of Helen Stanley, John Theodore Jr. and Frank Jodzio; dear grandmother of 10 grandchildren and 5 great grandchildren. Relatives and friends are kindly invited to attend the funeral from the REZEN FUNERAL HOME. 574 Grove Street. Irvington Wednesday.

July 10 8 a thence to Sacred Heart Church. Irvington. where at 9 a.m. a solemn high mass of requiem will be offered for the repose of her soul. Interment Hols Name Cemeters.

Jersey City. JOHNSON -Bertha (nee on July 8. 1957. of Sherman Place, Jersey City wile of the late William, beloved mother of William and Madeline Johnson, sister Mrs. Lottie Belthoff and Mrs Hannah Biegel; grandmother of Lynn and Tierand.

Relatives and friends ATe invited to attend the funeral service at the OTTO MACK Funeral Home. Central Avenue and Hutton Street, Jersey City. Wednesday. July 10 al p.m. Interment Fairview Cemetery Fairview JOHNSTON Suddenls on July 7.

1957. Emmett. el Watson Avenue, East orange. beloved son of the late Grace and William Johnston and dear brother of Theodore. Luis.

Grace, Winifred. William, Raymond and Richard Johnston Solemn High Mass of Re. quiem at the Church of Christ the King G11 Wednesday at 10:15 a.m. Reposing at the "HOME FOR FUNERALS 767 Ocean Avenue. of Queen Esther Chapter No.

2. are requested to assemble tonight to pay our last tribute to our late sister, Elizabeth Moore at 8 p.m. at Murray's Funeral Home, 748 Ocean Avenue. LENA BYRD, W. M.

CLARENCE A JUDGE. W.P MURRAY- -On July 8. 1957, Andrew of 455 9th Hoboken, husband of Elizabeth (nee Gates). brother of Mary, Mrs. Grace Pindar, Rita and James.

Funeral from PIERCE FUNERAL HOME. 323 Washington Hoboken. Notice of time later NIGRE On July 8. 1957. Paul.

of 755 Secaucus Road, Jersey City, beloved husband of Catherine nee Schaeffer); brother of the late Anthony Nigre: uncle of Michael Nigre and Mary Scaringelo, Funeral from EARL F. BOSWORTH Funeral Home, 311 Witlow Avenue, Hoboken, on Thursday, at convenience of family. PASTORE- On Monday. July 8. 1957, Maria (nee Tomacello), of 218 Newark Avenue, beloved wife of Rocco: devoted mother of Domenick, Carmela Zultak, Jerry and Anthony.

Reposing at SCATUORCHIO'S Funeral Home. 160 Brunswick Street, Notice of funeral later. KORZENIESKI On July 7. 1957. Teolilta neo Zuk, of 491 Grove Street.

beloved wite of the late Charles, lov111K mother el Michael John. Mrs. Mary Simpson. Mrs. Helen Affuso.

Frank, Stanley Stephen and the late Joseph, Ten grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Relatives and friends. also Third Order of St. Fran(1S. Sacred Heart Society and Rosary Society are invited to attend tuneral 011 Wednesday from MICHALSKI Funetal Hume.

463 Monmouth Street. al 4 a Solemn High Requiem Mass at St. Anthony's Roman Catholic Church al 4:30 a Interment, Holy Cross Cemetery. MacLEAN -On Saturdas. July 6.

1957. Mary M. nec Haddow of 360 2nd Avenue. Landhurst wife of the late Alexander Maclean mother of MIss Isabel. Alexander and John sister ol Mrs Clarence Heaton.

Mrs. George Kimmerlie and Thomas Haddow. Relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral al STEEVER Funeral Home. 253 Stus vesant Avenue Lundhurst on Tuesday July 4 al pm. Interment Machpelh Cemetery North Bergen.

30 DIn The Family will receive their friends from tu and 7 10 10 p.m Monday and Tuesday. MARCO-On July 6 1957. Angelo In his 691h sear of 1716 Summit Avenue U'mon Cuts beloved husband of Maria nee devoted father of Mrs. Anna Babbin Mrs. Stella Volpe Mrs.

katherine Hess, Louis, Paul Joseph. and the late Angelo A Marco Jr. dear brother of Michael Marco, seven grandchildren surviving. Relatives and friends air respectfully invited 10 attend 1he funeral Wednesdas 4 a from the NECKER SHARPE Funeral Home 525 45th Street. U'nion thence to St Michael's Roman Catholic Church at 10 a.m where a solemn requiem mass will he offered for the happy repose uf his soul.

Interment Holy Cross Cemeters. MacNAL GHTON on Sunday. July 7. 1957. Margaret Louise of 630 Bergen Avenue.

Relatives and friends are Invited to attend services at the DONALD WOOD FUNERAL RESIDENCE. 552 Bergen Avenue Wednesday at 2 p.m. Interment, Greenwood Cemetery, BrookIs New York. MERKEL, Of 417. 22nd St.

Union City on Tuesday. July 9. 1957. Margareta (nee Haag In her 61st vear. devoted mother of Joseph and dear sister of Veronica Flittner and John Haag.

Relatives and friends also St. Joseph's Guild of Jersey City are respectfully invited to attend funeral from the LEBER FUNERAL HOME. Hudson corner 20th Union City. Notice of time later MILLER- On July 1957. of 1114 Street.

North Bergen. Philip. beloved husband of Constance nee Epsaron, brother of Mis. Gertrude Everdell. Mrs.

Caroline Boquist. Mrs. Margaret Pizzutte, Mrs. Louise Maas. Mrs.

Rose Fackiner and Frederick Miller Funeral from HOWARD J. BRENNAN Funeral Home. 6414 Bergenline Avenue. West New York. Thursday.

10 a.m Rev. Erwin Muller officiating. Interment Fairview Cemetery MOORE Elizabeth. of 84 Vroom on July 7. 1937.

devoted mother of Elizabeth Parlin Dabney: grandmother of Ronald and Stephen Dabnes daughter of Maggie and the late William Moore. Reposing at Murray's "A Temple of Service, Ocean Ave. Funeral services 1 p.m. Wednesday at Salem Baptist Church. Interment, Bayview Cemetery.

MOORE Elizabeth. Officers and members of Queen Esther Chapter No. 2. PAUL. Sunday.

July 1957, Verna of 933 Park Hoboken. former178A. 3rd Jersey, City, loved husband of the Mabel (nee Devlin); devoted father of Robert, Vera Bloom, Vernan and Lorraine Paul. Survived also by 8 grandchildren. Relatives and friends are invited to atfuneral services from McLaughlin Funeral Home.

591 Jersey corner 4th St. an Wednesday at 1 p.m. Rev. James N. MacKenzle officiating.

PROBST- Of 104 Greenville Ave. on Tuesday, July 9, 1957, Louise Probes (nee Primiano), beloved wife of Vincent G. Probst, devoted mother of Robert and John Jacobsen, loving sister" of George Primiano. Remains reposing at the funeral home of RICHMOND F. ROUTH, 206 Old Bergen Road.

Time of funeral later. SCHLEICHER On July 8, 1957. of 1128 Willow Avenue, Hoboken. Mary (nee Jackson), beloved wife of the late Richard; mother of Mrs. Emma Devine.

Mrs. Anna Abrahamsen. Mrs. Florence Lambertson. Mrs.

Ethel Halloran, Mrs. Rita Mattern, Richard and George Schleicher; sister of Mrs. Margaret Teyson and Thomas Jackson. Funeral from EARL F. BOSWORTH Funeral Home; 311 Willow Avenue, Ho boken.

Friday, at 8:30 a.m. High Mass of Requeim, Our Lady of Grace Church, 9:15 o'clock. SMITH -Mary (nee Badger), of 37 Nelson Jersey City, on Tuesday. July 9. 1957, beloved wife of Charles devoted mother of Mrs.

Shirley Flint, Charles Edward T. and William and the late John Smith, dear sister of Mrs. Caroline Weber, Mrs. Theresa O' Donald and Maurice J. Badger.

Funeral from BEDDIGES-SEITZ HOME FOR FUNERALS, 131 Congress Jersey City. Notice of time later. SULLIVAN-Of 47 Duncan Jersey City. Paul, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs.

Edward J. Sullivan. dear brother of Dana, Peter. Christine and Miriam. Relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral from the PATRICK J.

CONTE FUNERAL HOME, 36 Tuers corner Mercer Jersey City, Funeral arrangements incomplete. TOOHEY On July 8. 1957, of 1008 Washington Street. Hoboken, James beloved husband of Lillian (nee Reid): son of the late James and Mary (nee Me brother of Bernard. Michael.

Margaret Dolan and Mary Toohey: stepfather of Martin Ehlers. Funeral from EARL BOSWORTH Funcral Home 311 Willow Avenue. Hoboken. Friday at 8:30 a.m. Solemn High Mass of Requiem.

Sts. Peter and Paul Church, 9:30 o'clock. Interment, St John's Cemetery. VALENTINE -On July 8, 1957, wilham. of 114 Woodlawn Ramsev.

beloved husband of Marguerite I nee Quinn. beloved father of Agatha Swenson and John Sharkey, dear brother of Miss Madeline Valentine Mrs. Mamie Peters. John, Wale ter. Harold.

Funeral from the WILLIAM SCHLEMM FUNERAL HOME on Thursday at 2 p.m.. Rev. Adalbert Wettstern officiating. and members of Hoboken Lodge No. 35.

F. A.M.. are invited to attend. lodge services only Wednesday evening at 8 p.m. Interment Machpealh Cemetery.

VESPOLI-121 Laidlaw Avenue. on July 1957. Linda darling daughter of Michael and Frances (nee Mele): dear sister of Anthony, Carmela. Rose Mary, Frances. Michael.

Carlo, Ann and Domnick. Remains resting at INTROCASOANGELO Funeral Home. 143 Brunswick Street. Notice of time later. WESSELMAN Of Wood- Ridge.

formerly of Rutherford. on July 6, 1957. Anna (nee Schweikert): beloved wife ot the late Henry: dear mother of Robert H. and Mrs. Ruth Wunder.

neral services from the THOMAS .1. DIFFILY FUNERAL HOME, 41 Ames Rutherford on Wednesday at 10 A m. Interment. Fairview Cemetery. Friends may call 7-10 p.m.

Monday, and 7-10 p.m. Tuesday. WRONKO-July 7. 1957. Anna (nee Perneg of 223 Erie Street.

beloved wite of the late Charles: loving mother of Charles, Henry, Joseph, Vincent. Carl and Mrs Regina Sanger; 16 children and one great grandchild. grandRelatives and friends are invited 10 attend funeral on Thursday from MICHALSKI Funeral Home. 463 Monmouth Street at 9 a.m. Solemn high requiem mass at St.

Anthony's Roman Catholic Church. 9:30 a.m. Interment Holy Name Cemetery. ZIMMER-On July 7. 1957.

Ottilie, beloved daughter of the late Ottilie Otto and nee sister of late Mrs. Anna Mack: the Mack aunt of Otto and the late Mrs. Anna Relatives and friends are Welsh. attend invited to funeral from OTTO MACK Post neral Home. Paterson Plankroad FuPlace.

Secaucus. Tuesday. July and at 2 p.m. Interment 9. ters In lieu of Jersey City tribute kindly conflowers to Mill- -Neck School for Children thru the family.

Deaf CARD OF THANKS -We wish to cere and heartfelt thanks express our sinfINes and to our relaconsolation friends for their words of and beautiful floral at the death of tributes son and brother. our beloved husband, BEREAVED FAMILY OF WALTER ADOMEIT KILROY- -John A. Sr. We thank our relatives and friends wish to their kind expressions for spiritual bouquets and floral of sympathy, ings extended to us in offerthe recent bereavement of our father. John A.

Kilroy, Sr We also the wish to thank the priests of St. Aedan's Church. St priests and Jesuit Brothers Peter's Church, and of tor James funeral direcA. McLaughlin. Sons.

IN MEMORIAM BOWEN In cherished beloved memory of our E. mother and -in-law. Lou15A who passed today. away 21 years ago Ethel and Harry MEMORIAL GIFTS MEMORIAL GIFTS edged. HUDSON gratefully acknowlASSOC Pollak COUNTY HEART Hospital.





ND ST. UN 7-1000 BERGEN AND HARRISON AVES. HE 4-0411 Patrick J. Conte 36 Tuers Stephen Conte--Manager 274 J. C.

HE 5-6451 Market E. Paterson FA 6-0068 JOHN L. PIERCE Successor to John O' Hare Newly Renovated OL Hoboken 90121 323 Washington 6414 HOWARD J. BRENNAN Bergenline Ave. W.N.Y.

UN 1-0373 NECKER-SHARPE 525 45th Union City UN 7.0820-0120 LAWRENCE G. QUINN HE 4-1661 RIEMAN FUNERAL HOME 1914 New York 0. C. ON 7-6767 CHARLES SCHEURLE 6119 TYLER PL. W.

Y. UN 7-1801 DONALD F. WOOD 582 BERGEN AVE. DE 3-6488 BUNNELL FUNERAL HOME 41 Highland Av. JC, ar Bird.

DE 3-6440 BEDDIGES SETTZ PUNERAL HOME 462 CENTRAL JERSEY CITY JO 4-4343 CHAS. HOFFMAN INC. Funeral Directors 1st and Jackson Sta, Hoboken DE. 9-0023 OL 9-0029 EARL P. BOSWORTH 311 WILLOW AVE OL 9-1455 HO 3-1455 WILLIAM FIELD FUNERAL.

HOME Hoboken. J. 11L 9 0443 for nets DIED.

The Jersey Journal from Jersey City, New Jersey (2024)
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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

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Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.