THE DAILY OKLAHOMA TIM E8 Monday, June 25. 1984 Deaths (ANNOUNCEMENTS) Personals Clothes Conscious ClrfJn Julie, mat vou at Shangri-La Sat night June Is. Please contact Let! Notices Additional Ltaai and Nolle Mav Da fount The Metro Edlll SHELLEY J. CALL JJ. PREGNANCY TESfltoi CW CLMfc" Slatted By Licensed Ds Choctaw.
Harrah. Mkl-Oet' Vo Business Personals ERASE BAD CREDIT IugnotTceI! lath policy of St. Antho-V ny Hospital to admit and treat all patient), without 3 tlonal origin or handicap. St. Anthony Hospital will 1 1 I servks l) als who, uponklngappjl-j be eligible tor uncompon-0 sated care during fiscal I year 1985.
All facilities are 0 available on an erner gency JL basis regardless of race, (J creed. national origin. handicap or ability to pay. The patient or his repreaen- A A quest lor uncompensated 4 ff servlcea. This request canV A be submitted any time be- A ft lore, during or alter the Special Notices HOME AUTO INSURANCE Since 1934 Kruger Ins.
235-9332; tiled Suturday. Services 11 a.m. Tuesday, First Presbyterian Church of El Reno (Wilson). EOMOND FRAZIER, Ross 74, retired barber, died Saturday. Services 10 a.m.
Tuesday, First Presbyterian Church (Baggcrley). State BARTLESVILLE EUTSLER, Sarah 87. Services Tuesday (Stumpff). DAVENPORT BENGE, Mamie, 73. Services Tuesday (Curry).
DRUMP.IGHT GORE, Rickey, 30. Services pending (Smith). RITTER, James 29. Services pending (Smith). ELMORE CITY THRASH, Willie, 99.
Services Tuesday (Wooster). GRANITE Van A USD ALL, Gilbert Issue, 84. Services Tuesday (Greer). GUTHRIE A BELL, Charles Romaine, 63. Services Tuesday (Davis); LAVERNE DAUBER, Floyd 79.
Services Tuesday (Seeger). LAWTON FEUDER, Earl 85. Services Tuesday (Lawton-Rittcr-Dalton). PRIEST, Jewell Rovle, 70. Services Tuesday (Becker).
OKEENE MARTIN, lrvln Harold, 80. Services Wednesday (Wilkinson). SAYRE WHITE, Fred 57. Services Tuesday (Rose Chapel). STIGLER JACKSON, Clarence Howard, 75.
Services Tuesday (Mallory). STROUD WHITTAKER, William 79. Services Tuesday (Stroud). TATEM BREATH, James 25. Services Wednesday (Wooster).
TISHOMINGO PAYNE, Wiley Lec, 88. Services today (Smith). TRYON HALL, Arthur William, 85. Services today (Strode). WATONGA ADAMSON, Lola, 88.
Services Tuesday (Russworn). DAILEY, Virgil, 62. Services pending (Wilkinson). DIVORCE-BANKRUPTCY Do vou need Aulo li or on Mo. Pymls' 119 SE 29.
RACE INS AGENCY COLLECT BACK a as CHILD support: 789-3719 a2uoS5 1979 Auto Car for cash, to the hiohest bidder, as Is. where Is. The sale wlil be held at Schmilz Used Trucks located mile ves' of lhe intersection ol 1-40 and Banner Road between El Reno and Yukon. Seoflrst Commercial Corporation retains the rlohl to bid. For additional information contact Lee Jonas or Cnarles Loan at (405) AngerMaking Friends Divorce $50 789-3975; i- SlaH Photo bv Paul S.
Howell Dave Hublek, a lead guitarist for Molly Hatchet, struts his stuff Sunday at the Zoo Amphitheater. Rock, Gospel Concerts Success Respite Last-Minute Shuffling Lost Calico cat-F, no mostly while, black NW 28 Portland Rewar medication, 942-1042 or I HUBCAP DEATHS and FUNERALS BUY SELL 3224 NE 23 9 For information call 231-3264 Review landard sleel wheels fe lo will it, solid black, yell FREE LEGAL CONSULTATION near 101 and McK Divorce. DUI, Etc. Appolnlmi or Weekei Adoption. Bkc jnls Dav, Evenli Ids, 946-7011.
Lost-blonde ATTORNEYS WHO CARE DIVORCE-BANKRUPTCY CRIMINAL-ALL INJURIES North T72Wh90of Metropolitan ADAM80N, Dorald, Oklahoma City, died Saturday. Services pending (Temple Son). ANDERSON, Clyde 72, Midwest City, retired Tinker Air Force Base employee, died Saturday. Services 2 p.m. Tuesday, Country Estates Baptist Church (Paylor).
BOTHERTON, Vanle, Oklahoma City, state employee, died Sunday. Services 10 a.m. Tuesday (Guardian Mldtown). BROWN, Phenia, 83, Oklahoma City, died Saturday. Services 10 a.m.
Tuesday (Guardian West). BRYAN, Ruth Mary, 68, Oklahoma City, homemak-er, died Friday. Services 2 p.m. Tuesday; burial in Fairview Cemetery, Shawnee (Hahn-Cook, Street Draper). FERGUSON, Freda, 65, Oklahoma City, homemak-er, died Saturday.
Graveside services 10 a.m. Tuesday. Resthaven Memory Gardens (Capitol Hill). FLINSDAUGH, Mary 78. Oklahoma City, home-maker, died Friday.
Graveside services noon today, Chapel Hill Cemetery (Hunter). FLYNN, Alice Kaala, infant daughter of Robert and Lana Flynn, Midwest City, died Sunday. Graveside services 2 p.m. Memorial Park Cemetery (Bill Eisenhour Northeast). FOWLER, Albert Thomas, 82, Oklahoma City, retired Oklahoma County Commissioner, died Sunday.
Graveside services 10 a.m. Tuesday, Sunnylane Cemetery (Vondel L. Smith Sons). KIRK, Elko, 53, Oklahoma City, housekeeper, died Sunday. Services pending (Temple Son).
LOUGHMILLER, Luella Faye, 81. Oklahoma City, died Saturday. Services pending (Guardian Mid-town). LllTTRELL, Ross 83. Oklahoma City, retired farmer and railroad worker, died Saturday.
Services 2 p.m. Tuesday, Muse Memorial Church (Hunter). MOHAIR, Eva 88, Oklahoma City, died Wednesday. Services 11 a.m. Tuesday, First A.M.E.
Church (McKay-Davis). PHILLIPS, Kirvin 11605 NE 52, died Friday. Services 11 a.m. Wednesday, Church of the Living God (Rolfe). PLATO, Frank W.
78. Oklahoma City, retired salesman, died Thursday. Services 10 a.m. today at the funeral home; burial in Rose Hill Cemetery, Chie-kasha (Hahn-Cook, Street Draper). SHORES, Frances Faye, 71, Oklahoma City, retired businesswoman, died Sunday.
Services 10 a.m. Tuesday (Vondel L. Smith Sons). TANNEHILL, Lonzo 58, Oklahoma City, brick contractor, died Saturday. Graveside services 10 a.m.
Tuesday, Dibble Cemetery in Dibble, OK. (Chapel of the Flowers). WILKINSON, Erma Gene, 63, Oklahoma City, retired secretary, died Sunday. Services 10 a.m. Wednesday (Hahn-Cook, Street Draper).
EL RENO ROESCH, Otto 87, retired railroad yard master, Public Records Dark striped 235-9411 or Kate 942-4494. MEDIA SEMINAR Info on your talents into dollar iDle who do the hirino Lost: Ian male Vj sheoherd Vt NW 10 Portland area-REWARD 946-1448 Call 524-3683 for infor. LOSE WEIGHT NOW ou Can Lose Ud to 29lbs mo. MdsS1. A5kemehow 752V-2287 23rd 6.
May. 528-7710 County Foes. Serving Okla. 8yrs. Call 943-2441 Classen, 842-7417.
Maggie By Gene Triplett Mother Nature displaced a lot of music lovers during the weekend, but, remarkably, no one seemed unduly upset. When ragged sheets of rain blew in from the north Saturday night, accompanied by jagged streaks of lightning all around, Jack Armstrong krceiu the Molly Hatchet show would have to be postponed. So the Jacksonville, rock 'n' roll group played the Zoo Amphitheater Sunday night instead. The rescheduling pushed the KAEZ First Annual Gospel Extravaganza, originally scheduled for Sunday afternoon at the Zoo venue, to the radio station's grounds at 4240 NE 23. "It's all right," said Jacqueline McMickens, marketing consultant for the radio station, which organized the gospel show.
"There are no hard feelings. It's just business. Everybody is satisfied. Actually, it was a blessing." In. the beginning, Molly Hatchet, a six-member Southern rock group, was supposed to star in a triple-header show at the Zoo Saturday.
When the opening act Scottish rocker Billy Rankin took the. stage at about 7:30 p.m., the wind and water was; already whipping around the outdoor stage, and 3,150 people on the grassy hillside started getting wet. Rankin left the stage early, and American guitarist Pat Tra vers followed with an equally brief set before promoters announced that the show was being shut down. "Every power amp, every speaker, you name it. was soaking wet," said Jack Armstrong, assistant road manager and accountant for Molly Hatchet.
"The rain was coming down almost straight in," he added, describing the stormy Saturday night scene. "It just wasn't worth it for the safety of everyone involved." Someone could have "gotten very easily electrocuted," Armstrong added. So Molly Hatchet, a group which sold out the Zoo Amphitheater last summer, stayed on and did their show Sunday night for all holders of Saturday night ticket stubs and for anyone else who wanted to venture out into the fair weather Sunday evening. i'We didn't wanna leave town on 'em," Danny Joe Brown, the muscular, long-haired lead singer of Molly Hatchet, said backstage Sunday night. "We had the day off today (Sunday), but we would've missed Oklahoma City," Brown added, in a Irief break before dashing back onstage, "and NEED WHEELS THINK A I i you can't run away from a show.
We'll just hafta bust a- to get to the next town." The next town, according to one roadie, was to be Lawton, OK. Meanwhile, Molly Hatchet did a two-hour show at the Zoo Sunday night to make up for their Saturday night no-show, which would have been a mere hour-long set, according to Armstrong. Danny Joe growled the lyrics to tunes like "Fall of the Peacemakers," "Flirtin' with Disaster" and "Beatin' the Odds" while the group's three guitarists, wrenched wailing chords and some sideman pounded the ivories on a white baby grand piano and a crowd of about 2,500 bounced and ehug-a-lugged under a clear blue evening sky. No one was sure Sunday night about the other 600-odd fans who didn't return after Saturday night's abrupt cancellation. Will they get a refund? Only time will tell.
As for the Gospel extravaganza, the last minute relocation didn't keep some 350 audience members away. Eighteen gorpel music groups performed for the crowd, which somehow found its way to the radio station. KAEZ officials left word at the Zoo Amphitheater box office of the change in location, and announced the change on the air. "The Lord blessed us," said Ms. McMickens of KAEZ.
"They told us we were going to have to cut it off at seven o'clock (Saturday night), but when you get into the spirit of the music, you can't just cut it off at a certain time, so we were able to carry on with our show." Soloists and gospel groups came from around the state and, for four and a half hours, they competed for cash prizes. First place winner of $500 was Blessed Trinity, a Tulsa group, composed of Clarissa Samilton, Marqus Corbett, Tracey Martin, Chris Haywood, Tony Corbett, and Clarinda Samilton. The $350 second place prize went to the Young Adult Choir, Oklahoma City; third place, $200, went to the Horace Scott Singers, Oklahoma City; and fourth place, $100, went to Revelation, a gospel group from Oklahoma City. Fifth place, $50, went to Neighborhood House of Prayer, Boynton. Lost 618, vi 63rd 8.
Douolas, DIVORCE $18 County Feos. Call 472-0242 LOST plider saiiboard be- 7U 'Ufedd Large oe.ierous Re Rewm wntefemateShih-Tzij, answers Travel Opportunities TRAVEL BARGAIN 8 Eastern Airlines Vouchers. Roundtrip to anywhere In the passenger. Travef must' be completed bv June 30, 1984. Call Monday ext.
254 Professional Services 144 $1O0 possible per month for life-saving plasme donations. Open daily Mon. through Sat. SS.00 bonus for 1st Time Donors with Ad. KUNKEL Carl H.
age 87, Texarkana, AR, died in Texarkana Hospital at 8:30 pm Friday after a short illness. Funeral services 10 am Monday at the First Lutheran Church in Texarkana, Rev. D. R. Nelson, officiating.
Graveside service 10 am Tuesday, Chapel Hill Memorial Gardens, Oklahoma City, Rev Lester Hall officiating. Mr. Kunkel was born January 12, 1897, in Greenfield, IN. Lived in Texarkana for 2 years moving from OKC. He was a member of First Lutheran Church.
He was a retired plumber member of Plumbers Pipefitters Local 377, veteran of WWI. Survived bv his wife, Jeanelte Seiglar Kunkel, Texarkana, 2 sons, Dr. Merlin D. Kunkel of Texarkana Roland Kunkel of Denver, NC, 1 daughter, Mrs. Henry (Mildred) Oppel of Wa-tonga, OK, 1 sister, Kalherine Kunkel of Cotteyviile, KS, 10 grandchildren.
LEHAR John Frank, age 85, 3127 Beachwood Dr, Del City, passed away Friday at Presbyterian Hospital. Services Monday, 9 a.m. St Paul Apostle Catholic Church, interment Sunnylane Cemetery, directed bv Bill Eisenhour SE. He was born in Lawrence County Missouri came to OKC as a young man. He was a retired aircraft engine inspector, Tinker AFB.
Member of St Paul Apostle Catholic Church. Survived by 1 son, John J. Lehar of OKC, daughter-in-law, Georgia Lehar of OKC, 1 daughter, Marvel Wall of Del Citv son-in-law, Don Wall, 4 sisters, Christine Polodna, Catherine Halsev, Minnie Hulse Margaret Matthews, all of Springfield, MO, 4 grandsons, Dale Glen Lehar, Kenneth Steven Wall, 3 great granddaughters, Megan, Shana Ashley Lehar a host of friends. LUTTRELL Ross A. Age 83 of Oklahoma City.
Passed away Saturday after a short illness. He came to Oklahoma in 1944 from Knoxville, TN and has been a resident of OKC for the past 40 years. Survived by his sons, Ralph of Dallas, TX, Clarence of Hurst, TX, R. C. of Bedford, TX, Ross, Jr.
of Duncan, OK, Thomas of Bethany, OK; Daughters, Janie Cloniger of Springfield, VA, Helen James of Dallas, TX, Anna McCor-mick of Duncan, OK, Mary Bowman of Hobart, OK; Sister-in-law, Malinda Tillerv of Knoxville, TN; 24 grandchildren; 17 great-grandchildren. Services Tuesday, 2pm, in the Muse Memorial Church, 4725 NW 10, with burial in Resthaven Memory Gardens. Directed bv Hunter Funeral Home. SHORES Frances "Faye" 71, OKC. passed away Sunday.
Wake service 7 p.m. Monday, Vondel L. Smith Sons Mortuary, 10 3.m. Mass, Tuesday at Sacred Heart Church with interment in Sunnylane Cemetery. Mrs.
Shores had owned and operated a supper club in Ada before moving to OKC 8 years ago. Survivors include 2 sisters, Lillian Lineberry 8. Mary Ma-zac, brother, Joe Gerik, 21 nieces nephews several great nieces nephews. Funeral Directors HUNTERFUNERAL HOME 227 S. Harev 631-8751 GUARDIAN FUNERAL HOMES West lids 234-85S Midtown 41 jj.
Mac Arthur lfff Robinson BILL MERRITT 6201 NW 39 789-5622 224 Hwy 152 Mustang 374-2424 it 05 Penn 482-5444 DEMUTH-GARRlSON And SHERMAN 1145 Britten Road 843-5521 BILL EISENHOUR g8i iii ma 251S Main, Choctaw, 390-222) RESUMES $8 8. Up. Bv professionals. Choose from over 40 resume formats. writingprintingQualiiv paper.
1 DajservJceUpdate resumes at 516 NW 23 Visa-Master Charge 0plasarrapance' (8.50 sppriAt iu rawic ALLEN Mittie M. Age 86 of Oklahoma Citv. Passed away June 22. She was a member of the Baptist church. Survived bv sons, Lerov Allen of Meridian, OK, Charles Neal Allen of Edgewood, NM; Sister, Dennie New of Norman; 7 grandchildren; 11 great-grandchildren; 3 great-great-grandchildren.
She was preceded in death bv her husband. Services 10am Tuesday, Hunter Memory Chapel with burial in the I.O.O.F. Cemetery, Norman, OK. Directed by Hunter Funeral Home. BAKER Edith, age 82, OKC, died Saturday, June 23 at Oak Hill Nursing Home in Jones, OK.
She was born in Fredricksburg, IA on March 30, 1902. She first moved to OKC in 1903. She was a home-maker a charter member of the Mayflower Congregational Church. She is survived bv her husband, Henry G. Baker of OKC, 2 sons, Robert H.
Baker of Lake Eufaula 8, William H. Baker of Long Beach, MS, 1 sister, Audrey Edwards oi Norman, OK, 4 grandchildren, 5 great grandchildren. Graveside services 10 o'clock Monday at Chapel Hill Cemetery. Directed by Guardian West. CUSTER Lillie Mae, age 80, of OKC, a housewife.
Passed away Thursday. Services 2:00 p.m. Monday at Dumas Avenue Baptist Church. She is survived by her husband Ralph; a daughter, Mariorie Pirillo of Covina, CA; a son, Ernest R. Knod of Port Arthur, TX; sisters, Etta Culien of OKC Francis Davis of Holdenville, OK; several grandchildren.
Donations may be made to her church, Dumas Avenue Baptist. Bill Merritt 4605 S. Penn EASLEY John William Jr. age 60, 107 Hennev Rd, passed away Friday. Services Monday 2 p.m.
Bill Eisenhour SE Chapel. Interment Worley Cemetery. FOWLER Albert T. Graveside services 10 a.m. Tuesday, Sunnylane Cemetery.
Directed by Vondel Smith Sons Mortuary. HINNEN Harry E. Age 95 of Vian, Oklahoma. Passed away Friday after a short illness. He came to Oklahoma in 1918 and spent most of his life in the OKC area.
He is survived bv 3 children, Eula Anthony of OKC, Glade E. Hinnen of Tulsa, Wanda Adams of Vian, OK; Sister, Cora Reid of Kansas Citv; 7 grandchildren; IS great-grandchildren; 3 great-great-grandchildren. He was a home builder in the Capitol Hill area and was later employed by the City of Oklahoma Citv as an automotive mechanic and retired after 30 years service. Services 2pm Monday, Hunter Memory Chapel with burial in Sunnylane Cemetery. Directed by Hunter Funeral Home.
HUGHES Clyde "Shorty" Services 10am Monday, Colonial Chapel, Von-del Smith Sons Mortuary. JACKSON Porter James. Groesbeck, TX, age 79, passed away Friday night in a local hospital. He was an inspector for City Sanitation Dept. a Baptist, member of Myrtle Masonic Lodge No.
145. Services will be Monday, 10 a m. in Ricks Chapel with the Rev. Pete Wyiie officiating. Interment, LaSalle Cemetery, Groesbeck, TX.
Survivors are wife, Juanita Bennett Jackson, daughter, Mary Pike, both of Groesbeck, 3 grandchildren, 4 great grandchildren, 2 sisters, Pauline Wytiei Hartie Fowler, both of Frederic, OK. JACOB8EN Lorena. Services 10:00 a.m. Monday, June 25. Graveside at Resthaven Memory Gardens.
Vondel Smith Sons. KLIMA Miles, Service 10am Guardian West Chapel, inter-ment in Tulsa. VEACK Ricky Dean, Service 2:00 m. Monday, Council Road Baalist Church interment in Bethanv Cemetery. Directed bv Guardian West.
Memorials may be made 10 the Council Road Churcn. MEDICAL S. SALES RES ABC Word Processing 9 MES. -9802 ACCOUNTINGS, BOOKKEEPING Taxes and more. Largesrpajl, PREGNANT? PROBLEMS? FREE TEST 528-8500 exp.
Call Now. 405-387-9345-' Pljty saVIngs0 Brides preserve llowers 944-9674 525-5955 RESUME SERVICE ic nature loans up to ioTpaTd ft ju oavs, ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Coins Stamps ELDERLY? LONELY? Move to our NW Aots oet HAPPY at our OVER Sec'ionV8 VOU move- lf Musical Instruction SA-501 51.6a STRAND teed. 677-9831 JRecorrtino) OKLAHOMAN And TIMES CLASSIFIED LOCAL ADVERTISING RATES APPLICABLE TO STATE OF OKLAHOMA Ettective May 1. 1983 RVSrAy $1.85 Pard.y $2.25 Births Baptist Reeb, James and Delores. Ok-lahoma Cilv, a girl, Jones, Orice and Arleen, Oklahoma Cilv.
a bov. Deaconess Alston, Luke and Sharon, Oklahoma Cilv, a girl. Mathis, Kevin and Lorri, Oklahoma Cilv, a bov. Ciapla, Joe and Darlene, Yukon, a bov. Suaik, Jack and Sheri, Tuttle, a bov.
Famsworlh, Barrv and Patricia, Oklahoma Cilv, a giri. Mercv Orr, Jav and Tammv, Vukon, a girl. Kasserman, David and Leslie, Oklahoma Cilv, a bov. Jones, Rav and Patricia. Oklahoma Citv, a bov.
Midwest Cilv Abshler, JerrY and Rhonda, Oklahoma Citv, a bov. Staff Photo by David McDanM jhe Voices of Faith performs Sunday outside KAEZ-FM radio station. The group was one of 18 Annual Gospel Extravaganza. $1.95 per day Annual Mosquito Assault Starts rAr una $3.25 DEADLINES To Place or cancel Ads NONDISPLAY Weekdays Commercial Noon Preceding Individual 3:00 PM Preceding Day Sunday 5 00 PM Friday DISPLAY PM 2 Dayi. Pnot NEW YORK (AP) New Yorkers may slap themselves more than usual this summer, but world's fair visitors probably won't.
Some Indiana residents have found reason to put off yardwork, but St. Paul and Minneapolis residents should have no such excuse. The annual mosquito assault on the lazy days of slimmer is off to a spotty start across the nation tfiis year, thanks to varying amounts of rainfall and preventive attacks by local swat teams. parts of the country have a lot of rain. That means there's going to be a lot of mosquitoes in that area, especially in the areas where we don't have any established control agencies," said Gilbert Challet, president of the American Mosquito Control Association.
Rainfall provides the standing water mosquito eggs need to hatch. A tin ran, an old tire or a cow's hoofprint is all they need, even if they've spent the winter in hibernation. ouiiu.ty j.uu rtvt naay "That's why we can get instant mosquitoes," said Jimmy Olson, an entomology professor at Texas University. "Add water and bam, you've got them." Mosquito control teams have been spraying from the air and on the ground, and even throwing out hormones to keep the mosquito infestation down. The city-county health department of Kansas City, has been urging residents to get rid of standing water.
New York City crews recently started spreading a bacterium in uninhabited marsh and wetlands to kill larvae. "Because of the heavy rain and heat we are going to have a very severe mosquito season." said Kandy Dupiee. the city's assistant commissioner of health for pest control. In Fort Wayne. the mosquito population is running "extremely high," said Michael Beard, operations supervisor of the mosquito control division of the Fort Wayne-Allen Coupty Board of Health.
1 Landslides Kill 4 KATMANDU, Nepal (AP) Torrential rains set off landslides Tuesday, in which four members of a family were buried alive inside their house in Arukharka village, about "5 miles west of Katmandu, an official report said Sunday, ss NW GrfWO Btvd 84I-3M4 Cemetery Lots THE OKLAHOMA PUBLISHING CO. P.O. BOX 25125 OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA 73125 Part. ym..