MY, NOV. VI, V.r,l i Jul KN.VI, LCUAL oALC STORAGE AUCTION for the account of NQRTH AMERICAN AilA VISTA ARfA Ci'de. Perfect for split level, T-es and pnfk sin roundings. $21,000. Call Morjoiie Hibbs, 425-6206 AITA VISTA ROAD, 6 acres, zoned 5, Rolling hills and old trs.
Ca.l Ray, 425 1792; Ssott Rainey, 426-1274. THE ANTIQUE SHOW YOU'VE WAITED FOR The 13th Antique Fair HIGHLAND Post Legion Hall 2919 Bardstown Rd. NOV. 25th, 26th Sat. 1-10, Sun.
1-4, Don't miss this final show of the season. AsKinq s.BiX). kamona Stovall ill PAUL SKMONIN COMPANY NOUN LAKlf AREA CAV.Ph'RS and HUNTERS, don't miss this cnance to buy at a greatly reduced price your own 10 acre wooded tract near Nolin Dam and Mammolh Cave. Camp now. build later.
Good investment. Jean Felker 895-0812. RAINEY ASSOCIATES REALTORS NOLIN LAKE AREA Owner wants to sell this unusual 6 to 8 acre plot located iust "i mile from Nolin Dam. Hill, Valley and Creek. Call for details.
Jean Felker, 895-0812. RAINEY ASSOCIATES NfcAK AX I bL-2 bedroom frame houso on apiiroximaleiv 3 acres, su liurj. HORNBACK CAVP-Ni'w. 5 rooms and baifi, furnished, fireplace, I i a room, electric heat. Terms by owner.
CANNON'S POINT 2 bedroom, bath, large screened porch. Electric heat, deep well, furnished. $14,000. Owner financed. KY.
79 NORTH OF LAKE 7 rooms on 2'-3 acres. Large barn. Boat storage sheds with good i n-come. KY. 79: Unfinished building on large lot.
$3000. CALVERT REALTY CO. Hardinsburg, Ky. Phones: 756-6158 or 257-2008 ROUTT Rd. 4410; lovely 5 rooms, bMh, basem*nt, 2 car garage, large lot, 454-3692.
E. McCOMBS. Realtor 459-3944. Mart, ISM 7th, near Hill, 637 5295. ATTENTION! Visit Farmer's lea Warket largest in Kentuckv Open everv sat.
and Sun. Off Newbura Rd. on Jennings Ln. BLUE LICK FLEXTaARTET 9 till 9, Sat. and Sun.
set uos, we buy and sell 7 days a week, 11400 Blue Lick Rd. 957-2151. eachrrollaway" bed, SI stuffed chair, StO; drinkinv fountain, S3; rocking horse, infant seat, SI. 964-27tl. BAsem*nT Sale, 1205 Durrert, Christmas December, candle stands, decoupaoe, Harm, Ensor, small pictures, Broad Axe, en- tique lap desk, Sunday, 11-5.
YARD Sale, furniture, glassware, antiques, mirrors, trunks, baskets, washstand, desk, Pewee Valley, corner of Houston Lane and RollingtonRoad. SUNDAY NOV. 12th JUST RECEIVED TRAILER TRUCK LOAD OF ANTIQUES WHERE WHITLEDGES! At the iunction of 144 and 153 lust south of 1-71 at the Sligo exit, iust 26 miles east of Louisville. Wholesale to dealers. OPEN 9 a.m.
to 8 p.m. PHONE 1-502-743-5265 Sulphur, Ky. CLAY STREET FLEA MARKET 12 N. Clay St. 584-9942 OPEN DAYS, Sat.
and 9-5; Mon. and 10-9; through Primitives of all kinds. Glassware, bisque, old tin. Iron, depression glass, cut glass, pie sales, trunks, oak table with 2 leaves, Icebox. Collectables too numerous to mention.
GIGANTIC TOY SALE Large stock-HALF PRICE! Buv now for Christmas presents for everyone, toys of all kinds. Some slightly soiled. WE BUY SELL OR TRAOE ANYTHING OF VALUE ESTATE SALE; refrigerator, stove; bedroom furniture; dinette set; mirrors; chairs; sofa; all contents must be sold. Sun. only 10 A.M.-5 P.M.
2151 Gladstone Ave. sale conducted by The Hodgepodge. BAsem*nT SALT Antiques, dishes, old tools, bottles, clothes, miscellaneous. 2319 Rockford Lane (rear). Enter from Graston at timnursr to weusworin, roi-low arrow.
Saturday and Sunday, YARD Sale, 9912 Omar Khayyam, Friday and Saturday, 10 a.m. -5 p.m., Winter clothes and coats, bicycle, portable stereo, and sew- ing machine, shoe skates, 193? console radio. Auction INDIAN HILLS Big beautiful lot about acres lends itself to any type home. Has trees, some of it is level and some gently sloping. Convenient to everything.
Best school district. Mrs. Lee Walker 896-4988. PEWEE VALLEY CLOVERCROFT You should see this lovely lot in Villi? lovely subdivision. Over an 'acrein size, just beautiful to build on.
Call Mrs. "Bocky" Doner, 895-6686. LaGRANGE -Wooded building site overlooking green valley golf course; Susan Reid, 241-8366. LONG RUN ROAD Near the golf course; hillside lot;" trees, panoramic view. Susan Reid, 241-8366.
OLD HEADY ROAD Where clean air abounds, you discover 5 wooded acres far your dream home with room for your outdoor hobbies. Susan Reid, 241-8366. ETAVVAH AVE. off laGrange Rood, 650 foot frontage, divide -into lots. Susan Reid, 241-- 8366-.
REALTORS 2843 Brownsboro Road 897-3271 County, 1 acre, 2.2 miles from Jefferson County line. Real nice area. Only $3,950. Mr. May, 239-3244.
BLANKENSHIP Realtors 968-335) BULLITT County, mobile home sites, Va acres, I acre, Owner will finance. Open .1 Sunday. MCGRUDER Realty 957-2184 iffiUTT County, Preston Ruhl Acres. 100x180 foot lot, gas, water, paved streets; $3000. McG DERR A LTY 957-2184 BULLITT COUNTY, extra large tree studded lots, any size from to 4 acres.
Easy terms. 9574787 OWNER AGENT BULLITT County, mobile home lots to 5 acres, Jiioo per acre. Terms by seller. SICKLER REALTY CO. 964-1319 BULLITT County, restricted building lots, 2 to 4 acre lots, $1500 pet1 acre, terms by seller.
SICKLER REALTY CO. 964-1319 BULLITT County, 2 acres wooded lot, restricted, 20 minutes from Louisville. Owner finance. $3000. McCRUDER REALTY 957-2184 COpPER CHAPEL RD.
17.67 Acres, all utilities except sewers, 500 feet road frontage, C. Mathley 969-0756. GATEWAY CORP. Realtors 361-1165 CRESTWOOD area, building sites in several locations, wooded, hillside, creek, rolling meadows, city "water, paved streets. acres, priced from $3400, ins available.
McMAHAN REAL ESTATE Z4l-8blI CRESTWOOD Area. Borowick i.i aCre through 2.4 act? lots. Wooded and clear. All utrities. Good restrictions.
Terns. A. ALLEN REALTY 24155 582-2661 CRESTWOOD area 1 acre plus lots, gas, water, saved streets street lights, or we will build vourAdream home vcur plan or ours, in Lockvoca Estates. CLAYTON VANETT. 456-2520 DOE VALLEY Lot No.
220 Pine Ridge Court. Large TREED building site on cul-de-sac. Overlooks lake. Pro-, tective restrictions, sewers. Call for i details.
Jonnie Irwin 425-755. PAUL SEMONIN COMPANY 426J6W Realtors FERN Creek area, lots for sale, Mrs. Wanda H. Richards ESTATE AUCTION Nov. 18th, 10 AM 140 ACRE FARM AND PERSONAL PROPERTY.
INTERSECTION OF U.S. 62 AND KY. 153 AT BEAVER LAKE IN ANDERSON COUNTY. (KNOWN AS WASH FARM) This farm is located in communicating distance of Lawrenceburg and Lexington and has frontage of 170 acre beautiful Beaver Lake. Also well suited for baby farms and cottage sites.
2800 pound tobacco allotment; 10 acres corn base to be divided subiect to A. C. regulations. 140 ACRE FARM MORE OR LESS AND BEING SOLD IN FOUR TRACTS. TRACT No.
1, Large 8 room pioneer log house, stone foundation, dairy barn, excellent water supply, frontage on Beaver lake. TRACT No. 2, Tobacco barn, good frontage on Beaver lake and never tailing water. TRACT No. 3, Stock barn, watered by creek in pasture and cultivation.
12 on road frontage. TRACT No. 4, In pasture and hays, on road frontage. Also selling for the estate, and Ralph Byrd, 31 Holsteins, 3 Guernseys and 2 Brown Swiss dairy cows. 300 gallon bulk milk tank, 4 unit vacuum pump, 2 unit vacuum pump, 2-5 gallon (urge milkers, feed rack.
Selling for Estate: Wash vat, 42 gallon electric water heater, 5000 tobacco sticks, 1000 bales Korean and mixed hay and 200 bushels corn. Household contents consisting of 2 halt beds, clothes press, storage cabinet, day bed, chiffonier, wardrobe, book case, occasional chairs, metal chairs, lawn chairs, lavatory, medicine cabinet, dinette table, kitchen table, utility table, utility cabinet, 2 GE refrigerators, 2 gas stoves, porch swing, elecric toaster, griddle, hot plate, kitchen utensils, dishes, 2 10 foot step ladders, lot of garden tools and many other Items. Possession on or before January 1, 1973. TERMS: Real Estate 20 Per Cent cash, balance with deed on or before January 1, 1973. All personal property, cash.
AGENTS SHOWING PROPERTY ON NQVEMBER 12th. Selling Agents BLOOMFIELD REALTY CO. Inc. REALTORS: Astor K. Akers, Roy Lee Wigginton Phone: 252-2021 AUCTIONEER: H.
on Highway 148. 22 miles east of Louisville, Ky. 47 HOLSTEIN COWS: 14 will calve in next 60 days, the balance in all stages of lactation. Three bred heifers, three 6-month old heifers, three fall heifers. MILK EQUIPMENT: Three Surge seamless milkers, three strainers, two stainless steel carrying pails.
FEED: 1250 bales of clover and orchard grass hay. MACHINERY: 3010 John Deere gas, fully equipped, 3x16 foot Ferguson plow W-D 45, A 2x14 toot plows, 2-row cultivator, 7 foot farm wagon with flat. This herd has been Bangs and TB tested and will have individual health papers. The machinery is in excellent condition. Mr.
Veech and Mr. Drury are disolv-Ing partnership and this will be a complete dispersal. Lunch Served Shelter in case of bad weather. SMITH, GOINS AND WILLARD AUCTION SERVICE Associated with Frazier McMullan Co. Realtors Simpsonville, Kentucky 772-5213 Louisville, 583-4258 ADVANCE NOTICE VEECH AND CRAWFORD NOV.
25, 1972 35 HOLSTEINS 4 TRACTOR OUTFITS, HAY, CORN, OATS AND OTHER FEEDS. THE LATE B. T. Melton's farm at Auction Nov. 18th, 10 a.m.
EST. located 10 miles South of Ellzabethtown, Ky. in the Glendale section, 7-10 miles west of Hgwy. 31W, on road leading from 31W to Glendale Childrens Home. Improvements, old solid brick 7 room house, well, barn, crib, garage.
Farms contains 70 acres more or less of good fertile land, 1,337 pounds Burley base, 32 acres corn base, 14 acres barley base, 7 acres of grain sorghum. In one of Hardin Counties best farming sections, close enough to Ellzabethtown to subdivide. Good terms, possession with deed. George Melton Owner BEAMS Auction Service 524-9564 Munfordville, Ky. Auction VAN LINES SALES LOCATION Cody's, 1241 E.
Oak Louisville, Ky. SALES DATE Thursday, November 16, 7:30 p.m. This legal sale complies with Kentucky Revised Statutes 355-7-210. Beginning on November 16, 1972 at 7:30 P.m. and continuing until all goods are sold.
Lots to be sold will include: Very nice steel salesman's desk with walnut Formica top; walnut executive desk; executive chair In black naugahyde; secretarial chair; very nice 6-foot Formica top folding table; one section steel shelving; stationery cabinet. FRIGIDAIRE Frost-proof refrigerator In excellent condition; ZENITH television; G.E, refrigerator; electric stove; modern walnut home style desk; vanity; couch; living room suite; beds; dressers; crib; high chair; bassinet. Toys; kitchenware; china; miscellaneous. TERMS OF SALE All property Is sold as Is and where is for cash or its equivalent, free of all liens or interests of third parties. DONALD V.
CADY THE AUCTIONEER WILLIAM S. STEWART Apprentice Auctioneer 456-2590 456-2591 AUCTIONS BY DUNLEVY "Everybody's Auctioneer" Jack Helton Auction Nov. P.M. EST On the New Market Road, 3 miles east of Highway 3, 4 miles east of Marysville, Indiana, 12 miles north of Charlestown, 23 miles northeast of Louisville. Farm Sold Complete Dispersal IMPLEMENTS, ETC.
1967 MF model 150 gas tractor, multipower, hydraulic, only 1104 hours, like new; MF 3-14 plow, A-1; Dunham 8 foot transport disc, A-l; Ford 501 seven foot mower; A-1; rubber tire wagon with 14 foot grain bed, A-1; old rotary hoe; 2 power seeders; 25' locust fence posts; small equipment, etc. FEED 350 bushels corn, old; 700 ba'es timothy and clover hay, A-l; 300 bales lespodesa hay, A-l; terms cash. Inspection invited. OTHER AUCTIONS Many more auctions booked for future dates in Kentucky and Indiana. See all of them advertised In the Sunday Courier-Journal.
CALL us today about your auc- tion. We want to work for you. Licensed and Bonded Kentucky and Indiana. Dunlevy Auction Service Agent Everybody's Auctioneer T. M.
DUNLEVY, 401 E. Court Jeffersonville, 2825548, 2821135 AUCTION SALE Nov. 25th, 12 Noon. Location 130 Old Louisville Bowling Green, Ky. Quitting business sale, owner's retiring.
Goad Sign Co. Selling at public auction to highest bidder. 50 foot by 100 foot solid commercial building modern in every way, city gas, sewer, electricity and water. Situated on a Vi acre lot, 64 foot front, ample parking, also selling complete inventory; trucks, equipped with era in, painting equipment and supplies, office supplies and equipment, Terms on real property, 20 down day of sale, balance over 10 years at 6 interest rate. Immediate possession.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Goad, owners retiring. Hudson Realty Brokers and Auctioneers, 502-842-3884, Bowling Green, Ky.
Special Sales 110 ANTIQUES: Pottery, glassware, books, clothes (small sizes), several brass, copper Items, oil painting (Kentucky Artists). We buy for cash or sell on consignment. GRANDMA'S Attic 2829S. 4th ANTIQUES, Old Cut glass, china bowls, plates, Nippon, pressed glass, and furniture. 3137 Rose-dale Blvd.
459-8083. BRASS Beds refinished. Double, Queen size, twin canopy, cherry corner cabinet, desks, oak claw foot round tables and chairs. Old iron fence primitives, lots more. Green Countrle Antiques, Tay- lorsvllle, Ky, 477-8581.
ANTIQUES, brass beos, Gone With The Wind and Tiffany type lamps and shades, roll top and other type desks, 100 grandfather wall and shelf clocks. Cherry, walnut, oak, mahogany furniture, round oak, walnut tables, Ray Harm and Currier and Ives prints, copper, brass items and complete line of other antiques. We honor Bankamericard, Master Charge and layaway plan. LONGACRE ANTIQUE SHOPPE 523 E. Chestnut.
We Buy 583-5630 Sales 109 ASSIGNEE AUCTION for the estate of KLEIN BROTHERS INC. LOCKSMITHS' SUPPLIES BUILDERS' HARDWARE $57,000.00 WHOLESALE INVENTORY SALES LOCATION 519 W. Breckinridge, Louisville, Ky. SALES DATES Monday, November 13, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, November 14, 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday, November 15, 7:30 p.m. in LEGAL SALE STORAGE AUCTION for the account of BOYD MOVING STORAGE SALES LOCATION Cady's Galleries 1241 E. Oak St. Louisville, Ky. SALES DATE Thurs.
Nov. 30 7:30 p.m. This legal sale complies with Kentucky Revised Statutes 355-7-210. Beginning on November 30, 1972 at 7:30 p.m. and continuing until all goods are sold.
The owners have the right to reclaim merchandise until sale time. Lots to be sold will include: SSG Andrew H. Johnson $214.00 208 Marlon Dr. Louisville, Ky. 40218 Sgt.
Reed Sprout $102.00 Box 262 Lumberport, W. Va. 26386 Intercom (E. R. Holland) $411.90 98) S.
3rd St. Louisville, Ky. 1 Sharon Fultz $144.20 998 Rubel, Apartment 4 Louisville, Ky. Paul Mckenzie $149.70 332 Glendora Louisville, Ky. Joseph Henry and William Henry $447.40 Route No.
1 Rockford, Tenn. Myla Burton $138.80 Route 1 Box 329 A La Grange, Ky. Vincent O'Connor and Rena McShane $601.50 1840 W. Hill St. Louisville, Ky.
TERMS OF SALE All property Is sold as Is and where is for cash or Its equivalent, free of all liens or interests of third parties. WILLIAM S. STEWART Apprentice Auctioneer DONALD V. CADY THE AUCTIONEER 456-2590 456-2591 REAL ESTATE AND EQUIPMENT Chilho's Gulf Service Station 12th and Market Nov. 18th at 1 1 A.M.
The real estate will be sold at 2-30 p.m. and consists of a lot 105 feet on 12th St. by 52Vj facing Market and a cement-block building 15x15 with full basem*nt, 10 day of sale, balance with deed. EQUIPMENT Electric McCaskey Cash Register $999.99 ring-up, Electric Water Cooler, Tool Cabinets, Wheel Service Cabinet and parts, Ignition Cabinet and parts, Brake Cabinet and parts, a large assortment of Bolts, Nuts, Screws and Clamps, Lance Cookie Machin" with nine columns, Manual Machine with 21 Three Impact Wrenches, Four 12-ton Jacks, Three 20-tone Jacks, Hvdraullc 4-tone Air Jacks, 10-ton High Deal Jacks, Transmission Jack, Manual Adding Machine, Fuel Pumps, Electric Time Clocks, Battery Charger and Battery Cables, Air Filters and Oil Filters, New Batteries, a complete Windshield Wiper Service, Upright Coca-Cola Machine with 20c slot, Tire Changer, Spark Plug Tester, Tire Racks, Work Bench and Vice, Air Compressor, Grease Guns, Stands, Steam Jenny 600 pound water pressure, Jet Washer 150 pounds air, Floor Space Heater, Start All 8 h.p. with 4 Jump Cables, Welding Gauges, 4-Drawer File Cabinet, Wheel Balancer, Whell Generators, Fuel Pumps, A Great number of Used Tires, Car and Truck, Service Bell, Hand Tools, Fan Belts, and Heater Hoses, Metal Shelving and Two Dolly Wheels.
VEHICLES 1968 International Pickup, Jeep Pickup, 1968 International Pickup with Air Compressor, 1966 Ford 1-ton Wrecker with 500, Holmes Wrench, ton Chevrolet Wrecker with Twin Beams, 1949 Ford Pickup one ton F350, and 1962 Rambler. Joe Martin Auctioneer Joe Martin, Jr-Broker 366-1881 366-1608 AUCTION sale Satir'NoVr'HttTat 10 a.m., estate auction of Mrs. Lula Pendergrass deceased, 5307 Old Shepherdsville and Poplar Level Rd. Always known as the Wilhoit Farm. 32 head of white face cows and calves all in good condition.
2000 bales of hay, farm truck, 3 tractor discs, 2 salky plows, riding cultivators, ririn. A harrow, manure spreader, push cultivators, 1 lot of harness and collars, 1 set of buggy harness, horse drawn tools, good farm sled, Olivet-combine, side delivery rake, 2 land rollers. 9 Oliver tractors, plows, discs, cultivators and more, A bush hog, section har rows, rarm Bares, Lurrr siieiiei, wood and odd wagon wheels, 3 sets of 1 horse wagon shaves, large antique platform scales, old grain fan, yellow pine and poplar lumber, iuu years oia, antlaue farm waaon. wagon seats. 2 wheel carts, dropleaf table and chairs, 1 buffet, 1 lot of chairs, old beds, chest of drawers, old trunks, 1 lot of tables old and modern, kitchen range, 1 lot of chairs and rockers, many more articles too numerous to mention.
This is only a partial listing of too years collection, terms, casn, Inspection day before sale. Nov 17th. John Briscoe, executor, Emile Tobbe, H. Red Terry, and June Kruer, auctioneers. BIG AUCTION SALE THIS MON.
7 P.M. NEW Norge inch gas and electric ranges, Norge harvest gold elec tric dryer, Hotpoint refrigerators, 3 piece maple bedroom suites several other suites, box springs and mattresses, tables and chairs, 2 piece Early American and modern living room suites, cottee and end tables, record car inets. 80OD USED Dinette sets, gas and electric ranges, washers, refrigerators, several 3 piece bedroom suites, chests, dressers, mahogany rope leg dropleaf table and 6 chairs, desks, tile cabinets, school desks and chairs. We are overloaded, come early. CLARK COUNTY AUCTION 1031 S.
Clark Blvd. 282-7005 Clarksville, Ind. EDWARD UNKLE The Full Service Auctioneer BIG TOY AUCTION THIS SUN. 2 P.M. 10, 12, 16, 20 and 26 Inch boy's and girl's bicycles, all size tricycles, wagons, all types cars, fire-trucks, all kinds of tractors, nice large 3 wheel bicycle, all types of small household appliances, clocks, radios, watches, dolls, Many, many other Items for Christmas.
CLARK COUNTY AUCTION 1031 S. Clark Blvd. 282-7105 Clarksville, Ind. EDWARD L. UNKLE The Full Service Auctioneer 64 ACRE Farm at auction Sat.
Nov, 18 at 10 a.m. 20 miles west of Ellzabethtown, 6 miles west of East View, on. Hgwv. 84, selling productive 64 acre farm, lays welt, watered the best, has springs and ponds. 1174 pound burley base, 9 acre small grain base, 4 acres corn base, combination stocli andj tobacco barn, a real moneymaket at your own.
price, 20 down day of sale, good terms may be arranged. T. Finch Estate Louise Curtsinger, Admlnistratix Hodges Auction Eiizabethtown, Ky. Phone 765-4308 SPECIAL ANTIQUE AUCTION Today Nov. 12, 1:30 P.M.
1808 S. 7th St. See Saturday's paper for Itemized listing. NOTICE Dealers and others, Ab-solute Auction, 511-514 W. 6th Lexington, Ky.
Furnishings at Odd Fellows-Rebekah Home. Antiques, school desks, auditorium seats, chairs, beds, dressers, equipment, etc. Sold as is. All cash or equivalent, all Sales final. Nov.
18, 1972. 10 a.m. EST. Food Catering Service on grounos. AiirTinN iimi iMi-rcn liMI ESTATE SALE ANTIQUE AUCTION Today, Nov.
12 Nov. 19 CHILTON'S ANTIQUES 2 P.M. WHERE THE FINEST MERCHANDISE IS SOLD 10312 Taylorsville Rd. Jeffersontown, Ky. Consignments of fine and Interesting Items from several homes; outstanding country English breakfront, heavily handcarved, etched leaded glass doors in se-lected walnut; matched pair French armoires, height 68 inches in burl most handsome French credenza with large mirror, white marble top, heavily detailed hand carvinq in burl walnut; Early American dresser, drop center, 4 piece white marble tops, huge attached mirror, beautifully carved In walnut; Early American small dresser base, white marble top, hand carved pulls, secret drawer, the finest; 2 ladies 3 drawer slant top desks, one Queen Anne legs, mahogany, one Chippendale legs, walnut; outstanding bow front china cabinet, mirrored back In quarter sawed oak; medium size Jackson press in walnut; Early American gentlemen's chest In pecan wood, real clean; large library table, mahogany and rosewood; Early American wash-stand, marble top backsplash; several early English wash-stands, marble top with back-splash; 6 Early American dining chairs, upholstered seat and back; set of 4 Queen Anne breakfast chairs, fine condition; set of 4 Early Victorian breakfast chairs, slip seats; Early English chest on chest, in walnut; 2 standing coat racks with mirrors; small slant top secretary In oak; 3 oriental Savonneri rugs, size 9x12, in beautiful pastel colors, light blue, rose and green background; 3 German grandfather chime clocks, brass face, glass door front; several handsome German wall clocks; many mantel clocks; gentleman bookcase desk In walnut; large French mirror, gold leaf frame; 69 piece sterling flatware; several odd pieces in sterling; nice selection of table lamps, hanging lamps, chandeliers; several fine Chinese carvings; many fine pieces cut-glass, china, brass and copper; many off pieces furniture.
This is a partial listing. AUCTIONEER HENRY CHILTON 267-6424 Jeffersontown, Ky. ESTATE AUCTION TUESDAY, NOV. 14 10 A.M. AUCTION MART 1021 BARDSTOWN RD.
Antiques and Modern Furnishings: Antique Walnut Love Seat, Victorian Walnut Fainting Couch, Victorian Walnut Double Bed (Complete), Oak Double Glass Door Bookcase, Walnut Slant Top Desk with Ball and Claw Feet, (2) Beautiful Gold Upholstered Victorian Open-Arm Chairs, Oak Roll Top Desk, (31 Washstands, (5-Drawer) Bow Front Chest, Beau-t i I (7-Piece) Antique White Twin Bedroom Suite, Mahogany Knee-Hole Desk, Mahogany Dining Suite, (3-Piece) Mahogany Bedroom Suite, Set of Mahogany Poster Twin Beds, Double and Single Beds, Old Fire Grate Fronts and Fenders, Several Very Old Rockers and Straight Chairs. Old Roll Top Trunks, Several Old Lamp Tables, Marble Top Lamp Table, Walnut Desk, Antique Meat Block, Portable Televisions, Several Old Pictures and Prints, Signed Ray' Harm Bird Print, Electric Chord Organ, Victorian Rose Back Carved Rocker, Lift Top Sewing Cabinet, Square Oak Dining Table, Late Model Electric Range, Breakfast Set, (J) Exercycles, Antique Wine. Press, Old Wagon Wheels, Several Old Trunks, Mini-Bike, Baby Bed, Several Pieces of Fine Old Jew-e I Pocket Watches, Gold Chains, Pins, Old Pattern Glass, Cut Glass Pitcher, Hand Painted Vases, etc. TERMS CASH. RAYMOND K.
KNAPP AUCTIONEER 451-2242 239-T278 PUBLIC AUCTION AT GRIBBONS AUCTION HOUSE, 3026 TAYLOR FOR A. ARNOLD 8. SON TRANSFER 8, STORAGE 2600 West Broadway, Louisville, Ky. HOUSEHOLD GOODS (under Kentucky Revised Statutes 355.7-210) beginning November 14, 1972 at 6:00 P.M. and continuing until all goods are sold.
16663 Bettye J. Berding, 1216 Llpps Apartment 1, Louisville, Ky. $256.76. 16666 Cheryl Clark, 6507 Shirley Prospect, Ky. $255.97.
16844 James Davis, number 1 South Halstead Chicaqo, III. $565.86. 16991 Terry Gully, 31 Place Blanc Village West, Louisville, Ky. $410.38. 16646 Velma Hill, 705 Lakeview Apartment 2, Cleveland, Ohio.
$781.23. 16381 Albert Harris Green Ridge Ln. Louisville. Kv. S156 24 USflB Larry Maratty, 412 Canal Louisvnie, ky.
$469.91. W26 Shirley Smith 1625P PattOn Louisville, Ky. $647.00. 17048 Charles Wilkins 6308 Pendleton Louisville, Ky. $315.25.
16544 R. L. Daughertv 2622 Woodland, Louisvnie, ny. PUBLIC Auction, Farm Machinery ana inausinai Equipment, Nov. 18, .1972, 9:30 A.M.
Sale Third Sat. every month, 50-75 Tractors, 200-300 Implements. New and used. Equipment of all kinds. Location: Three miles east of Maryville, Tenn.
Take Highway 411 East turn right on Davis Ford Road follow signs from Highway 411. Open sale to consignment of equipment belonging to dealers and individuals. Turn your surplus and unused equipment into cash. Farm equipment, industrial equipment and small items, accented. Bring consignments any time.
Loading and unloading facilities available. TERMS: Cash or Good Check. For further Information Contact: 983-9557, 982-2033, 983-7909. Sevlervllle 453-7909. Lunch available.
Sale sponsored by: EVERETT FARM EQUIPMENT. Fred Wilson Auctioneer, Tenn. State License 539. AUCTION Nov. II 1 p.m.
7 miles northeast of Bardstown, Ky. on Plum Run Rd. 40 top beef cows, 24 with calf at side, balance are springers: Registered Angus Bull. A nice clean herd of Shorthorns, Here-fords and Angus cows. Several are registered.
AND 7 P.M. NEW AND USED FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES. CLARK COUNTY AUCTION 1031 Clark Blvd. 282-7805 Clarksville, Ind. EDWARD UNKLE The Full Service Auctioneer AUCTION TON IGHT 2726 Frankfort Ave.
7:30 p.m. Toys, games, clothing, miscel- laneous household Items, etc. C. HAMILTON SMITH 896-9315 FURNITtlQF.
annllanr-. household goods or tools, sell at public auction Call 637 1770 for pickup service at reasonable fee. AUCTION SPECIALIST. We sell anything, anytime, any place In Kentucky. Sohm Auction Service, anepneroiviiie.
5MITH Goins and Wlllard Com-plete Auction Service, Slmpson- vnie, iveniucKy. iu-3ii AUCTION Specialists we sell any thing. Any piace, any time. Dun Jevy Auction '87-554B or 282-1135 ELDER REALTY CO Auction Specialist Flirfleld, 252-5167 447-2731 underground util ties, waier, gas, sidewalks. Builder, 969-3265.
1 1 GREENBRIAR FARMS- 0 min- utes frv-m Ford Plant $50 down, 24jyjLc451jS4ig HUNTING Creek, lovely wooded lot with great view, by owner, approximately 1 acre, deep CT-aek section, 425-4094. "JEFFERSONTOWN Area, beautiful 11 acre tract, lake site, owner win finance. Weber Realty Co. Realtors 267-5414 RUMMAGE sele, Nov. 13th.
2 p.m. 'til P.m., 1751 Frankfort Ave. GUN SHOW November U-19. Knives, Coins, Trade, Sale. Eminence Gym.
Reservation of a booth 3 for both days. Call Eml- nence, B45-5BU9. PORCH SALE, 3023 Hikes Lena Handmade Christmas decoretions and other decorator Items, 9:30 till 4. GARAGE SALE, 10203 S. Preston.
Antiques, furniture, glassware, fifty Beam bottles, six barber cnairs. ESTATE SALE Some antiques, furniture, glassware, dishes, miscellaneous. 4737 So. 3rd. Nov.
BAsem*nT: Antique Iron bed, treadle sewing machine, miscel- laneous, clothing. 3025 Hikes Lane. SALE, 221 Cornell Place, St. Matthews, miscellaneous, glassware. T5ARAGE Sale, 1915 Swainsboro Drive off Newburg, lots of goodies.
ANIIQUES and aimost antiques; PROSPECTORS, 2644 Frankfort Ave. 10 till i. ANTIQUE lewelry, flat-ware. BUSCHMEYER's, 515 S. 4th.
584-42A4. HATTONS Antiques. Furniture, glassware. Open dally 11 to 5 Closed Tues. 640 Baxter Ave.
GARAGE-TALE; old books, an-tiques, miscellaneous; 10-6 Sun. 723 Baroness Ave. 582-3957. i MOVING Drapery, Spreads, Pictures, Lamps, Silverware, Dishes, etc. 895-8871.
BAsem*nT SALE, Nov. 10-13; clothes, toys. 6912 Rock Hollow, 969-9214. YARD SALE, mostly pink and green depression glass, Nov. 11, J2, Jurnpike.
YARD SALE, tools, dishes, furniture, miscellaneous. Sat. Nov. 11, 10 til 6. 744 loiorarjo.
BOOKS, private collection, Ellsworth's, 1015 Marshall, 583-1187. Sales 109 The 456-2591 REALTORS 897-3271 NOLIN Lake, 1 bedrooms, Hj baths, large lake front lot. DOYLE REAL ESTATE 36 8-4356 WATERFRONT home, brick, on Lake Berkley 3 bedroom, 3 baths, garage, basem*nt, boat house, city utilities. Box 335, Kuttawa, 502-388-7717. 1 CiA HUD-FHA I HOUSES EQUAL HOUSIM OPfWrUNITY NOTICE TO BROKERS NEW LISTINGS Address Sales Price Code LOUISVILLE, KY.
54313 Revere Dr. $15,200 G-l 8003 Briarcliff Rd. 16,650 HB-1 PREVIOUSLY LISTED FULLY REPAIRED FOR SALE ON A FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED BASIS I OIIISVII E. KY. 3611 Freedom Way 15,950 405 N.
38th St. 12,800 5712 Robinwood Rd. 15,750 12226 Hillside Ln. 14,550 669 Hecks Ln. 8,800 4313 Allison Ct.
15,900 4512 Dale Rd. 13,050 405 Lawton Ct. 8.950 GB-1 F-l GB-1 FB-1 C-l FB-1 FBI E-l FBI FB-1 5304 Armsmere Wy. 14,250 5614 Redondo Cir. 15,750 5111 lh St.
9,950 E-l SUBJECT TO REPAIRS AFTER SALE 5114 Alba Way 5115 Alba Way 5307 Bonita Ln. 5109 Alba Way 5302 Alba Way 5116 Alba Way 5221 Cedrus Cir. 5312 Plantus PI. 4607 Shasta Tr. 4626 Silver Leaf Dr.
5108 Yaupon Ln. 5007 Yew Ln. 9,650 9,650 9,650 9,650 9,650 9,650 9,650 9,650 9,650 9,650 9,650 A-l A-l A-l A-l A-1 A-l A-l A-l A-l A-l A-l A-l H-l 9,650 KY. CAMPBELLSVILLE 314 Handlev Ave. 16,500 HOPKINSVILLE, KY.
7030 Forest Park Blvd. 15,750 LEITCHFIELD, KY. 106 Cole Ave. 14,950 111 Junction St. 14,000 LEWISPORT, KY.
911 Mockingbird Dr. 15,000 LOAD, KY. Coal Branch Rd. 3,500 ALL CASH AS IS LOUISA, KY. RFD No.
4 11,300 ALL CASH-AS IS GB-1 D-l FB-1 FB-1 MAYFIELD, KY. 956 S. Seventh St. NEWPORT, KY. 19-17th St.
(Lot only) OWENSBORO, KY. 1004 Holly Ave. SHELBYVILLE, KY 1724 Village Ln. 1737 Village Ln. WINGO, KY.
Rt. No. 1 (Wingo Pilot Oak Rd.) 14,950 FB-1 950 C-1 14,900 FB-1 15,750 16,500 E-l H-l 8,000 ALL CASH A5 lb UTICA, KY. East side Old Mincey Route 4 $9,900 E-l DELETIONS LOUISVILLE, KY. 2148 Lee St (Advertised In error) 5507 Revere Dr.
Suburban and Out of Town 103 ALTAWOOD Three acres of beautiful lawn and big trees furnish the setting for this fine older home. 3 bedrooms, fireplace, 2-car garage, very good condition. Grove Gleason, 241-4754. Realty Sa I es 895-4273 BRECKINRIDGE County, Falls of Rough, near Rough River, 7 room home, 2 baths, acre lot, $11,750. BUTLER REALTY 8.
AUCTION Roy Butler, Hardins-burg, Ky. 756-5859. Irvington, Ky. 5 7-281Z- BULLITT COUNTY LAZY RIVER ESTATES Tract No. 2, charming new 3 bedroom, brick colonial ranch, Ha ceramic baths, large paneled family room with fireplace, central air, patio, barbecue grill, 2 car garage, all situated on nearly an acre tract, $29,900.
4 miles east of 1-65 on Hgwy. 44. 957-5641 957-2118 LEIGH 8, MEREDITH CO. INC. BULLITT COUNTY LAZY RIVER ESTATES Tract No.
3, new spacious 1800 square foot ranch with family room and see-through fireplace, 2 full baths, 2 car garage, located on nearly an acre tract. $34,900. 4 miles east of 1-65 on Hgwy. 44. 957-5641 957-2118 LEIGH 8.
MEREDITH INI BULLITT County, new 3 bedroom brick homes, 2 full baths, separate dining room, family room, wall to wall carpeting all electric kitchen, central air conditioning, many more plans to choose from. BURKE REALTY CO. 361-4661 1-543-2817 964-1217 BULLITT County, new 3 bedroom brick homes, 2 full baths, separate dining room, family room, wall to wall carpeting all electric kitchen, central air conditioning, many more plans to choose from. BURKE REALTY CO. 361-4661 1-543-2817 964-1217 BULLITT County, Preston Ruhl Acres.
Lovely French Provincial, 3 bedroom brick, l'j baths, wall to wall carpeting, lot 100x150, gas, water, paved streets, other homes under construction. Open 7 days a week. McGRUDER REALTY 957-2184 ULLITT County, 8 miles east of Fern Creek, Vj acre lot, will build to your plans, 1 house now available. Mary Bellucci, 239-9401. Charlie Smith.
239-9726. GEO, BRUMLEY Realtor 456-1323 BULLITT County, Shepherdsville, 5 rooms, Dam, new aluminum siding and windows, sell lo settle estate, 366-4940. BULLITT COUNTY, nice older farm house, 7 rooms with fireplace and front porch, $7500. 361- 491V 363-491. BULLITT County, near Shepherds-ville, 4 rooms, bath, city water.
Call 543-6960. CRESTWOOD Ln. 3 bedroom brick, basem*nt, garage, fenced. FHA, or VA $18 950. HARDWIC KREALTY 957-3268 FAIRDALE Area, South Park Rd.
APPROXIMATELY 1 ACRE rooms, central air, new roof, attached garage, submit all offers. Pat Cowres, 969-6970. BLAN NSH IP Realtors9680351 FISHERVILLE, 15100 Old Taylors-ville Rd. 1 ACRE Something unusual In this 6 room frame, pTus 4 rooms unfinished upstairs, basem*nt, barn, MAKE-OFFER. 239-9480.
BOB HAYES Realty Co. 239-1017 KAVANAUGH Road Crestwood, Ky. 3-bedroom ranch on 3'i acres perfect lawm Family room, 2 fireplaces, central air, stable, small orchard, excellent condition. Grove Gleason 241-4754. Realty Sales 895-4273 SECLUDED AND CONTEMPORARY Perfect for the "ready to retire" or "Newlyed." This 3 bedroom, 2 bath rustic cedar overlooks golf course and has vaulted ceilings, family room, 2 fireplaces, screened deck, $34,500.
Susan Reid, 241-8366. RAINEY ASSOCIATES REALTORS 897-3271 LA GRANGE, 6th St.i 3 bedrooms, l'j baths, excellent condition. lots and acreage also available in Crestwood area. G.M.I, Realty, Dan Clore, 425-0502. "MARC6 ISLAND, Florida.
Con dominiums, saie or rent, uoit, fish, tennis, sun, beach. Event lassaay, 439-hjw. Iiidvuii K- jam flVtRI VILbE L.I., "CONTRACT FOR DEED" Only $500 down will move you in this 3 bedroom ranch, carport, fenced yard, storage shed. John Albers 459-1469 JOE GUY HAGAN Realtor 451-6300 MT. WASHINGTON, 106 Lakevlew Dr" NEW LISTING Beautiful 5 bedroom, 1 bath brick ranch with finished basem*nt on huge lot 100x265.
See this at $35,000 A Great Buy. Roy Hall 245-4358 R. Ford Realtor 245-7807 MT. WASHINGTON; 3 bedroom brick, full basem*nt, located In center of town, priced $22,900. CORNELL REALTY CO.
957-5555 'ON Counlv, solid 4 room cot- tase, modern bath and kitchen, across from J. W. Dant Distillery lake, 1 acre ground, only S78r0. Mr. Pope 634-9623.
JANMNG POPE Realtors 459-1660 OLD TAYLORSVTLLE 3Ted-rooms, living room, dining room, 2 baths and family room, 12x48 game room, Vi car garage, central air. 247-9511. "ZONETON Area, Preston St. 5 bed room birck bi-level, 2 baths, family room, wall to wall carpeting, city gas and water. 5 down, house under construction.
$27,950. McGRUDER REALTY 957-2184 FOR SALE: All or part of four-season resort and permanent home development located at Exit 10 along Interstate 81, Southwest Virginia. Acreage: 2,600 acres. Development will consist of: 18-hole PGA golf course, swimming pool, 3,000 home sites, 120 apartments, 400 condominiums, snow-ski area, camping area, horseback riding facilities, large lakes, four motels (Holiday Inn, Ramada Inn, Travelodge and Iton), para-mutuel betting dog-racing and horse-racing track, restaurant and club area, administrative offices, amusem*nt rides and rlverboat. Proiections show the development 1 will clear $3,000,000 profit per year when complete.
Development is to be opened to the public in the spring of 1973. Owners will consider financing. Telephone: (703) 944-3118 Or Write: President, Unimac Corporation Box QQ Emory, Virginia 24327 AMERICAN PARADISE U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS Home with income. Ideal for retired people.
Duplex. Large landscaped lot. $39,000. Mrs. Whitney 897-2937.
KENDALL CO. REALTOR 425-4133 Since 1925 Wanted-Real Estate 106 ACREAGE, Apartments, Commercial Property, Homes. Lots. We Need Your Property now to sell for CASH. Ask your Banker, lawyer our next door neighbor.
We have a name and reputation 'or getting results. EARL BROWN 584-2222. ACREAGE, Apartments Homes We Need To Buy Homes To Use For Rentals. If you have a home you want to sell or trade, call us. COL.
BERRY REALTORS 584-B161 ACREAGE, homes and "apartment houses needed. We have qualified buyers waiting. We also buy and trade. CALL US NOW. KRAMER REALTY CO.
585-4714 452-6606 ACREAGE, lots badly in need, for cash or trade your home for a new home in Windsor Forest or Timothy Hills Subdivisions. 447-5633. 706. ACREAGE DUPLEX HOMES. Pay cash for equity.
Call 635-7401 LAY REALTY, 367-1416. NOWI Is Selling I ime. ACREAGE and farms needed; large or small Qualified buyers JOHN VOGT REALTY 454-3404 ACREAGE lots, homes, Bullitt County area, m. Koe. ys wss.
K. A. WARRFN. Realtor 368-1437 ACREAGE, cottages, lots. Buy OCII Ur I I ClUc.
L'3i wim UJ. C. T. Craven, 895-5778, 451-6924. ACREAGE Apartments Homes "Buy-Sell-Trade, Call 24 hours." L.HALE "REALTOR" 363-3568 ACREAGE homes, lots wanted WE buy-build-sell-trade ASSOCIATED REALTY 425-9511 FARM Would like to buy 150 acre, Dairy, financed by FHA, 50 acres tillable, good house, $60,000 range.
Victor Privett, 1876 Costi-gan, Lexington, Ky. 40511. 299- 1813. "ROUSE going Into foreclosure? rail we may buy t. 968-4145.
VRFFI AND POHL Realtors HOUSE'S: Lots, acreage, apart ments. We oav cash or trade. -in WRIGHT Realtors B93-2S77 LAND "for apartments, 1 to 5 acres within the city or 5-40 acres outside the city, buys waiting 895-8778. MCGUIRE CO. 447-2024 Thinking of Selling? SOMEBODY WANTS YOUR HOME and I can find that somebody.
If you want your home sold, call BOB HANco*ck 896-8080. Bass 8. WeisbergRealtors 4S9J921 WANT TO BUY HOUSES WILL PAY CASH CLOSE AT ONCE Charles A. Brown Sr. Realtor 897-3555.
AAA SERVICE. Sell, buy, trade. Lease, manage and AUCTION. Homes, apartments, commercial and businesses. Phone 585-4155.
WM 1. HIGGINS Mgmt. Inc. CASH FOR YOUR WE Will Buy, Sell or Trade GATEWAY CORPORATION Realtors 361-1 it3 LISTINGS wanted for trade only; any property you can't sell due to tax. Realtor, 897-1744.
"CASH for cottage: or bungalows. WE BUY, TRADE-SELL S. G. PRIEST Realtor 368-1607 CASH BUYER needs noitu East" or South End. 451 WJ.
Schuster Cohen Realtors 583-8891 We can Buy or Sell your home. FREE SALES APPRAISAL 637-3601 MIDWEST Realty 458-1094 SPECIALISTS in distinctive homes KALtllH-LNE 111., Realtors MrlM WHEN YOU NEED Help Call Home UISI, BUT, SELL, mUC. Home Co Realtors 239-6164. I ISTINGS NEEDED WE sell for less and less C. T.
MATHIS Realty Co. 897-1327 Builders, Real Estate Firms 108 WANT A NEW HOME? Allow us to give you your FREE HOME COST ESTIMATE Your plan or ours, on your lot or ours. We custom build In Jefferson, Oldham, Bullitt. We are licensed and bonded Realtors. We trade.
HATTON COMPANY 897-5655 BUILT on your own lot, new brick rancn style duplexes jio.vuu. ana apartments, $6655 per unit, low down payment, 54-85z. PLANNING to build? Let us bidl OEORlib UAKKEI i wnn DESIGNER-BUILDER 425-W75 Auction Sale 109 AUCTION Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Linn having sold their farm will offer for sale the following items at their farm, 5Vj miles west of Henry-vllle, Ind.
on Hgwv. 160 to New Liberty Church, turn south Vt miles (follow sale arrows). SATURDAY, NOV. 18th 10:00 FARM MACHINERY and EQUIPMENT Ferguson 20 tractor, Farmall A tractor with starter and lights, complete with plows, cultivators and mower; Co-op model E-3 tractor, Ferguson front and end wheel rake, Dearborn easy-flow, manure loader, Farm hand 7 foot cultipacker, New Idea manure spreader, Handy-man hay elevator with electric motor, 12 foot rubber tired 2 wheel trailer, utility 2 wheel rubber tired trailer, buzz saw, weed burner, barrel pump, yard roller, cattle oiler. Cyclone tractor seeder, set of tractor tire chains, tractor sprayer, 150 gallon gas tank and many other Items.
Also selling shop tools, guns, antiques and household, i LUNCH will be served. Sale starting at 10:00 with household and antiques. Sale conducted by: Auction Service Auctioneers Carroll J. Tash Dawson Souder ANTIQUES AND COLLECTORS ITEMS MON. NIGHT, NOV.
13, 6:30 PM 3122 BOHANNON AVE. Walnut marble fop hall tree, beautiful piece; Inlaid commode; a fine chair with carved dolphins and heads; several fine pieces of china; red mark R. S. Prussia bowl; pressed and pattern glass; 25 pieces cut glass; brass and copper pieces; refinlshed organ stool; picture frames; old clocks; oil lamps; bowl and pitcher sets; coffee mill; large art glass leaded Coca-Cola shade; knives; many items not listed. Sale starts 6:30 P.M.
RALPH McCOY, Auctioneer. TTj Nignts, 430-aj, mmmi JEFFERSONTOWN Area, Builder ties; Dave Adams, 458-8667. REALTY 456-800 LYNDON Area, at La Grange Rd. Attention Build- ers. 2 nice building lots, first offering.
Call 459-9435. 772-0604. HARRIS REALTY CO. MIDDLETOWN, Pope Lick Rd. Wooded lot, 200 feet frontage, 5Vj i acres, $4000 down, $15,000.
LYNWOOD TAYLOR 145--J548 REAL ESTATE 267-0444. OKOLONA. Developer's Attention, 30 Acres for building, all utilities good location. Details on reouest. Mr.
Bickel, 368-6943. ASSOCIATED REALTY 425-9511 OLDHAM COUNTY-Crystal Lake Subdivision. $1,400. Join the i happy people and get away from congestion and pollution. Larse lot near a lake.
Great for, boating! Lee Carpenter 893-i658. SEMONIN COMPANY 424.160 Realtors OtBHA COUNTY, 45 'Acres, on Hgwy. 22, near the "Action." "ED" RICHT CO. 895-1168 PARK HILLS, adioining Seneca arw Cherokee Parks; large fng site. One of the few left in the area.
Finding H. Dickey 451-3010 "PRESTON Guardian Angel Scltool area. 5 building lots. JOE B. HAGAN REALTORS PUBLIC AUCTION The UNDERWRITERS SALVAGE COMPANY of Chicago 4200 Reservoir Avenue, Louisville, Kentucky SALE DATE Wednesday, November 15, 1972 Sale Starts at 9:30 A.M.
(E.S.T.) INSPECTION DATE Tuesday, November 14, 1972 8:30 A.M. to 430 P.M. MERCHANDISE ON SALE: An estimated $150,000.00 in value of the following listed merchandise will be offered: Commercial and residential heating and air conditioning, heavy equipment pressure hose, fittings and filters, hotel and motel furniture, lamp globes, shoes, welding rod and wire, office supplies, paper products, religious items and supplies, TV's, sewing machines, clothing, books, toys, assorted hardware, some power and air tools, electronic test equipment and repair parts, range hoods, commercial sanding belts, 1 to 4 inch pipe threader, doors, windows, typewriters, adding machines and calculators, Ezy-T-Edger, built-in vacuums, and many other tots of assorted merchandise. AH above merchandise is in various condition and is sold on an "as TERMS CASH ALL SALES FINAL 25 DEPOSIT MUST BE MAINTAINED $50 MINIMUM DEPOSIT -NO CHILDREN ALLOWED IN SALES AREA 637-3616 458-6130 SHELBYVILLE ROAD, 18402 This sale is by order of the Probate Division of the Jefferson County Court. Property- to be sold will include: SAFES 16 small and medium sized office safes and money safes represented by the following trade names: HERRINGTON-HALL-MAR-VIN; DIEBOID; MEILINK and SENTRY: several used safes.
HARDWARE ITEMS Quantities of miscellaneous hardware including: putty knives; hose fittings; window nut Allen wrenches; block planes; BOSTICH staplers; screwdrivers; channel lock pliers; masonry tools; key hole drift pins; cold chisels; lead anchors; toggle brushes; screw anchors; caulk guns; star drills; paint brushes; masking tape; tool handles; SPEEOBOR wood bits; bastard, mill, half round, rat tail, triangular, and other styles of files and rasps; high speed drill bits; hack saw blades; wood bits. 2000 CORBIN, YALE, ILCO, EAGLE, MASTER, AMERICAN and HURD padlocks. IVES letter box plates; door bolts; chrome and brass hinges; cabinet hardware; mending plates; dutch door bolts; MASTER safety hasps; door hardware; I turnbuckles; barrel bolts; spackling compound; strap and hinges; metal polish; threshold plates; fuses; adapters; electrical repair parts; door openers; spray paint; cabinet and display cose screw drivers; hammer handles; electrical pliers; socket sets; RIBBED rural mail boxes. Brass and cadmium stove machine screws; hex bolts; machine bolts; carriage bolts; wood screws; wing nuts; lag screws; flat tapping screws; quantities of common and finish noUsj BOBRICK woK roem equipment. BUILDERS' HARDWARE 130MWEID steel fire doors, and 3' widths; 150 COft-BIN door closers; brass kick plates; 300 AMWELD steel door' jambs in a full size range in K.D.; AMWELD jamb flush door bolts; SMOOTHEE door closers; overhead door holders; door door bumpers; HENRY SOSS full mortised steel door closer springs; door closer fluid; house numbers; hat CORBIN cylinder locks; E-Z dead locks; SONIC and YALE exterior locks; private and passage locks; SCHLAGE key GOAL entrance locks; FALCON dead locks; SEGALOCK dead locks; YALE door closers and corner brackets; SHELBY decorator door closers; FALCON latch sets for entrance, passage, and privacy doors; SARGENT door closers; DOROMATIC door controls.
100,000 key blanks for every type of lock. SHOP EQUIPMENT Acetylene welding outfit; G.E. single phase electric welder; pedestal buffer; USHVfRSAL 2-ton chain falls; money sorter; MULTI-CLEAN commercial vacuum; coster mounted metoi lathe with 22-inch bed; hand) tools; bkew fens; banding tools; two-wheel control stock stacker lift; fan; nail Kale; clothes lockers; 1 h.p. air compressor; electric drill; six bench 2 pedestal grinders; DELTA pedestal drill press; nine key cutting machines; nine antique drawer files in a range of sizes; steel storage drawers; one 40-drawer steel stock unit. Steel shelving will include: 70 sections of like new steel shelving, 3' wide by 1 Vi feet deep by 9 feet high; 38 sections of steel shelving 3 feet by 1 Vi feet by 7 feet, 2 eight-foot front counters; two 24-foot double faced center island gondolas; HAMILTON rotary' ini voice register; service manager's desk.
OFFICE EQUIPMENT' New COCA COLA can dispenser with 20-cent charge; two 2-drawer letter files; two 4-drawer letter files; two contemporary steel executive desks with work centers; three contemporary executive desks in steel end walnut finish; five arm chairs; two executive thairs; steel secretarial desk; secretarial chairs. Two UNDERWOOD-OUVETTI printing calculators; UNDERWOOD OLIVETTI electric typewriter; ROYAL electric typewriter; OASIS wall mounted drink fountain; WESTINGHOUSE drink fountain. One new 8-foot boat shaped conference; CINCINNATI time clock; one 12-foot 48-drower stock counter; two FIRE KING legal size fireproof one FIRE KING 3-drawer letter size fireproof one FIRE KING 4-drawer letter size fireproof file; one large 2-door office safe; one 5-drawer fireproof add-esso-rpK We; 12 sections of steel office partitions with 3 doors to complete 3 offices; other miscellaneous equipment and supplies. TERMS OF SALE All property is sold as is and where is for cash or its equivalent. All property is sold free of alljiens or interests of third parties witfi' liens attaching to the proceeds of the sale in the some manner as said liens now ottach to th property sold.
F. R. HOLZKNECHT, ASSIGNEE Estate of Klein Brothers Inc. WILLIAM S. STEWART Apprentice Auctioneer 9.7 ACRES i- 300x1003 Also frontage on Clark Station Road and Railroad.
Zoned M-2. Near 1-64 and proposed new air- oort. $21,000. Art or Maurine Vuhr, 425-2978, office, 895-2471. "JjASHBY MILLER Realtors SOUTH End LONESOME HOLLOW.
ROAD Lovely lot. 125 feet fwritage. Trees. H. 368-7795 RUSS GAILOR.
REALTOR 368-2576 SOUTH PARK intersection of National Turnpike, 40 acres, lake, modern 4 room house. 425- 5942 or 368-4554. 350 ACRES, Bullitt County, rolling TREE STUDDED HILLS. Near Shepherdsville, will divide Into 10 to 50 acre tracts. Ideal for your home or second home.
SPECULATORS INVITED. OWNER-AGENT 957-5787 5 ACRES, lust east of Jefferson County via 1-71 in beautiful and clean Oldham County, Faces paved road and ft bordered by creek in back, 1-3 wooded and 2-3 grassland. Ideal for families that want plenty of room. 10 down. Don't wait, call today.
McMAHAN Real Estate 241-8811 1.7 ACRES. Beautiful building sites in Stanton Farms. Owner says sell, all offers considered. Bill Mnricnn. 017.UWI BEAM A COLVILLE CO.
366-4545 I'a ACRES, Borowick Farm, $3750 cash or reasonable offer, Middle- town, New Jersey, 201 747-2327, ATTENTION Investors-Developers Investor 76.1 acres St. Anthony Church near 3rd St. Rd. end Outer Loop. Blue line stream for sewerage treatment plant.
Land lays flat to rolling. Charlie or Beth Thomas 935-5000 Root. McDonald Realtor 448-2400 APARTMENT Site, Jeffersonvllle, Ind. Rear of Grants Plaza Shopping Center, 172 units with all utilities, ready to build, 3 miles from Louisville, near schools and shopping. Call B.
F. Miller broker, 584-4288. L. KbftL I IMC MOBILE HOME SITES YORKSHIRE ESTATES Bullitt County, Hgwy. 44, 6 miles west of Shepherdsville.
Own a huge lot. many with trees. Price includes all Improvements. 968-4101 or 969-7226. MID-EAST Development Corp.
LARGE LOTS with river views, others adioining Harmony Landing i' Golf Course; very unique. Call Cardinal Ridge Land Co. a 425-3270 Or 425-6616 TOO ACRES7 1200 foot frontage on paved road, heavily wooaea, ideal site for fishing lake or repeat from city. First offering by A shipment of genuine handwoven Oriental rugs has been shipped for the US market through bonded warehouse in London. As a result of the recent dock strike in London, the goods did not arrive on time, and those financially responsible for the unpaid shipment have in-structed their US agents to dispose of entire shipment at auction.
This shipment, in our opinion, is the finest collection in design, craftsmanship, and color of handmade carpets, rugs, and runners we have ever seen in all our years of selling the finest quality Oriental rugs and carpets. Dock Strike PERSIAN CARPETS and other Oriental Rugs AT RAMADA INN Enterprise Room 9700 Blue Cross Parkway 1-64 Hurstbourne Lane, Louisville, Ky. Wednesday, November 158 P.M. Viewing Inspection from 6 P.M. until time of auction' Contents Included are Kashans, Mains, Kerman, Bokhara, Chinese, a collection of silk carpets, Birjands, Tabriz, Belouchestan, and many collector's items.
DONT MISS THIS FABULOUS AUCTION, 'v; Auctioneer: William Hopkins Terms: Cash or Check Donald V. 241-4814. Auctioneer 456-2590 UTIICI APARTMENT LanJ 10 acres, zoned R-6, also 4 and 6 plex lots, all utilities. Terms. E.
E. GOODALL REALTY 245-0296 Resorts, Camps, I 02 A CatnpSitei GLBHOAK, lot 581, Doe Valley, nice 'building site, approximately 75x168, plenty of trees, $5,850. Mrs. Anderson, 969-5976. BLANKENSHIP Realtors 968-3351 i i owner.
WE SELL THE BETTER SALES BECAUSE WE SELL THEM BETTER. 331 W. Oak. 584-4131 sale every Wed. night 1 p.m.
iw e. en.